011. during the hiatus due to strikes.

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Directly after the unfollowing and oyster situation, during long hiatus due to the strike, Madison started to repost some shady things that were clearly towards Rudy.

The summary is that she blames Elaine for their friendship ending... NOT the fans of the show like people tried to gaslight us into thinking. Here is what she reposted + commented on.

 Here is what she reposted + commented on

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On July 13, Outerbanks  shut their production down and went on hiatus due to the writer strike

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On July 13, Outerbanks shut their production down and went on hiatus due to the writer strike.

Around the time the strike was happening (it technically started in May, but Outerbanks didn't officially shut down production until July), Rudy started to rebrand his instagram by removing a lot of Outerbanks content and changing his "unprofessional" profile picture.

Around the time the strike was happening (it technically started in May, but Outerbanks didn't officially shut down production until July), Rudy started to rebrand his instagram by removing a lot of Outerbanks content  and changing his "unprofessi...

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