Chapter 19: Anger

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Start part A


Akiko: But why...? He never did anything to you!

EJD: That's because he was always so focused on you.... He never paid attention to the repairs and upgrades I required... but the second I go missing, "Have you heard from him?" Why does he care? He never did!

Akiko: He did care about you!

EJD: Oh really?! Cause if so, how come my upgrades aren't as good as yours? And how come my body is built in such a confusing way? I just learned how to work my own body!!!

Akiko: But... Did you really need to kill him... Seems a little...

EJD: Unnecessary...? It's completely necessary! In fact, this is blatant favoritism!!!

Akiko: But...

EJD: That's enough...


Akiko: Hey, wait, stop!!!

???: That's more than enough.


EJD stops in his tracks.

???: I will not let you murder my best worker.


Akiko: B-Boss...?

The boss places her hand on EJD'S chest.


Suddenly, he falls to the ground.


Boss: Are you okay, Akiko?

Akiko: Yeah... I think so... What did you do to him...?

Boss: I just stole his life force.

Akiko: His life force...?

Boss: Yes... Meaning he's up for a good charge. I'm serious.

Start part B

Meanwhile, at the apartment complex...

Zack pretends to flicker through TV channels even though cable doesn't seem to exist in this world.

Zack: I think I'm losing it...

Zack gets on his feet and sighs.

Zack: I'm so... Bored...

Zack walks over to Ashley's apartment.



Soon, Ashley opens the door.

Ashley: Oh hey, Zack.

Zack: Hey, let's do something!

Ashley: Like...?

Zack: I have no clue!


Ashley: Uh huh... And what made this idea of yours come up?

Zack: I was pretending to flick through TV channels that don't exist.


Ashley: Okay...? Sure, let's go... Lead the way.

*A few minutes of walking later*

Ashley: Now that I think about it...

Zack: Hm?

Ashley: You have control over this world, right?

Zack: Yeah, I guess.

Ashley: Cant, you just I don't know... Make cable?

Zack: We're too far to turn back, so let's just say no.

Ashley: You never thought of it...

Back at the office building...

Akiko looks down at EJD.

Akiko: What are we gonna do, ma'am?

Boss: We just have to rewrite some code and some other stuff.

Akiko: You make it sound easy...

Boss: Well, it might take a while to do now that the master of technology is gone.

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