Chapter Four

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Silence. Absolute silence. The eyes of District 12 stare at me sadly. I shake my head. This isn't real. I'm in the dream again. If I just stand in the same spot, the dream won't proceed. I'm in control of my mind. If I stay here long enough, the dream will end and I I'll wake up in Katniss's arms. Tomorrow is Reaping Day. Yes, tomorrow. Just stay put, Prim.

Effie waits. The mayor of District 12 waits. My whole district waits. I feel like I'm in a photograph. Nothing and no one moves. The dream won't end.

"Did I say that right?" Effie mumbles to the mayor, but is still loud enough to hear through the microphone. She turns back to the crowd. "There is a Primrose Everdeen, isn't there?" Effie searches through the crowd even though she doesn't have the faintest idea what I look like. I stand still and firm. A few more seconds and the dream will fade out. Tomorrow is the Reaping, I know it.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." the escorts singsong voice makes me feel like I'm in a silly game. The girl next to me nudges my shoulder and whispers to me. "Prim, you gotta go out." I shake my head again. Then a firm grip squeezes my arm and makes me gasp in surprise. "Here she is!" The Peacekeeper shouts. "Miss Primrose Everdeen!" I'm dragged out into the walkway that splits the boy and girls in halves.

No. No way. I'm not going. Not to the Hunger Games. The Peacekeeper keeps pushing me, like the invisible force in the dream, and I'm going too fast. Everyone flying by like trying to see lightning strike in a million places. There's only one person I need to see before she fades away into the crowd. But I can see Katniss clearly. She is trying to see over the crowd, and her mouth is moving, forming my name. I turn my head back around and make my way up the stairs to the stage. I realise the Peacekeeper was not behind me anymore. Its hard to keep my balance with support. Especially at a time like this. It's not a dream anymore. It couldn't be more real, and more terrifying.

"Prim! PRIM!!! NO, DON'T GO!!!!" Katniss runs into the walkway trying to reach me. I watch her in horror as the Peacekeepers crowd her. Katniss is not giving up. A Peacekeeper suddenly yanks a gun out and aims at her head. She abruptly stops. Two Peacekeepers grab her arms and the one with the gun glances to me seriously. I know the meaning of it.

Don't do a thing out of line, or your sister cops a bullet in the brain.

Effie pats me on the back, not as gently as in the dream, but quite a fake reassuring pat. "I'm taking a 'wild guess' you are Primrose?" she laughs and I nod shakily. "And I bet my hat that's your sister." Effie leans the microphone to me.

"H-Her name is K-Katniss. And...and I love her so much." A tear runs down my cheek as I bow my head.

Effie leans the mic back to her and smiles enthusiastically. "What a lovely moment. Now the boys." she struts over to the Boys Bowl and digs in. This time she outs her hand right into the slips. My eyes flicker to the Boy's area and I find Gale. If he is picked, I know Katniss will die on the spot. His name is in 42 times. He looks back at me and gives me a small but warm smile. I give a little wave with three fingers and my head whirls back to Effie. She has the male tribute.

"Our lucky boy is...PEETA MELLARK!!!!!"

I lift my head a little higher, trying not to think about it. Peeta Mellark? But why? They just had to pick the most naive idiot (me), and the kindest guy (Peeta). He looks horrified as every boy turns to him. Even Gale turns a head. Katniss looks broken but doesn't look. Broken, and beyond compare. Just like Mum did. Peeta makes his way up, glances ruefully at my pale sister and stands on the other side of Effie. "Ladies and gentleman, I am glad to present to you, District 12's tributes for the 74th annual Hunger Games!" Then it happens. Everyone in the area (besides the Peacekeepers) takes their first three fingers, kissing them, and holds them up to us. The whole district was saying goodbye with no power to stop our fate and utter regret. Peeta and I stare at the crowd. Knowing this was then last time we'd ever see them. Effie flicks the microphone for attention.


The feedback is like nails on a large chalkboard. "Into the Justice Building, tributes." she mutters and four Peacekeepers close in on us.

"NO!" Katniss screams. She punches the Peacekeepers holding her and sprints to the stage. To me. There's enough room between the Peacekeeper surrounding me to run through and get to her. Everyone is backing away, children are panicking, and Peacekeepers have their guns out ready to shoot.

"Katniss!" I call out. Strong arms wrap around me, holding me back. They lift me off the ground and I'm stuck dangling in the air. It's Peeta. My sister, half-mad with anger, climbs up the stairs pushing a Peacekeeper off the stage.

A gunshot rings in the Square. I scream as Katniss collapses and blood starts to pour.


Three words.

Dun. Dun. Dun.

Sorry if that wasn't action packed enough for you guys. Or if it wasn't jaw-dropper-y enough. I'm not very good at those scenes yet. And sadly, Hunger Games is full of action. Heh, I'll figure it out.

On the bright side, I finally have Breaking Dawn Part 2 Special Edition and watch the documentary on it. ME ULTRA HAPPY.

That's about it. But please please please please please please vote and comment for me!!!! If you do, I will explode with happiness.

Like this.


Okay, now I'm just freaking you guys out. I'm a little bit pyscho. Yeah. Well, you may proceed onto the next chapter.

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