Chapter Eight

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Besides eat and listen to Effie's ramblings, there is nothing much to do on the train. I have eaten my fill of delicious food. Pork buns, bread with a paste on it that smelt like garlic, cakes big and small, hor d'oeuvres and so much more. I'm sure I've eaten and drunk a bit of everything (except for the alcohol. That is officially Haymitch's).

Soon after eating, Effie leads us to the television room where we now have to watch all of the reapings from each district. Effie is so excited that she could bounce into the roof and explode from all the anticipation building up inside of her. All the reapings start from District 1 to 12.

District One, Two and Four are predictable in the Reapings. In the Hunger Games, we call them Careers. They are TRAINED to enter the Games and most kids have a volunteering fit. To be in the Hunger Games is an honour to the Careers. It's even better when they win. And the almost always win.

District One has two blonde tributes with beautiful, clear faces of determination. The girl, I think her name is Glimmer, volunteered before their escort even finished the girl who got picked outs name. She is slim, blonde and beautiful. I would like to be her. The boy, Marvel was picked out and no-one volunteered. He literally sprinted to the stage.

District Two were very scary. The girl is Clove didn't volunteer but she looks like someone meant for the Games. Black as night hair and an evil, killer expression. Eyes focused, ready for the kill. Even when she was smiling she looked scary. The boy is Cato. He also didn't volunteer but also looked like he was born for the Hunger Games. He was big and burly, spiky blonde hair and another killer expression.

"They're freaking me out." I mutter to Peeta.

"Same."He replies with a frown.

District Three calmed us down a little. The girl is Arianne. Straight blonde-brown hair, tall and scared as hell. Same with the boy Seth. His hair and eye colour match. He was crying. I pity them both.

Next is Four. The girl is quite pretty. Brown hair off to one side in a big brown swirl. She was confident but definitely mortified, walking to the stage quivering but didn't cry. She reminded me of a pale Katniss. Her name was Ashley.


The boy. Oh, the boy. He looked around my age with a large Afro of blonde-orangey brown hair. He was small and shaky. You could only just hear him as he walked to the stage whispering 'Mummy'. A tear rolled down my face for him. They seemed like nice people to do an alliance with.

District Five was different. I can't remember the boy very well, my mind was still on the one from Four. But the girl stuck to my brain. Bright orange hair like Pale skin and foxlike features in her face.

I have to say it. "Doesn't she remind you of a-"

"A fox?" Peeta finishes my sentence. "Oh yeah. She's a Foxface, alright."

"Manners, Peeta!" Effie scolds. I mutter 'Foxface, Foxface' in singsong under my breath.

By the time it got to 6 and 7 I was dozing off. I forgot their names, lost memory of their faces. The night outside was cold and dark, time for bed soon. "Is this over yet?"I say drowsily.

"You should be watching this." Effie, Peeta and I turn around on the couch. Haymitch is leaning in the doorway, a bottle of whiskey in one hand. He looks depressed and heavily drunk again. "Don't look at me!" He slurs. "Look at the bloody screen! You need to remember your enemies. Their faces. How they deal with their name being reaped. This is serious!"

"Don't we just have to avoid the Careers?" Peeta asks.

Haymitch's eyes grow wide and angry. "That is the stupidest question anyone has ever said in the human history!" He suddenly lunges toward Peeta, grabbing him by the collar and pressing him on the lounge. Effie screams. I stare in fright.

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