Chapter Twelve

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"In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead,"

I try not to look startled as I snap out of daydreaming. I know I shouldn't be. This is important. We're in training for the Hunger Games in a large gymnasium full of traps, weapons, plants and soon-to-be killers. Atala is the head trainer and is having a pep talk to us. "One of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days."

Yes, four days in this gymnasium practicing how to kill. Haymitch says I have to focus on Atala and what she teaches us. I have to concentrate on how to fight, collect food and take shelter. After what happened in the chariot rides I'm gonna have to work hard. But my mentor also has been telling me to keep my frightened, weakling image. It'll help me get sympathy from sponsors and surprise the tributes in the arena when I'm a kick-ass fighter. IF I can be one.

I feel a little intimidated without Peeta at my side. He's at the other side of the room, gulping in information. He must be a great listener...and also he doesn't have two 18 year olds I fear standing in line next to me. Cato and Thresh. The blonde boy is fidgeting, swaying a bit and looking around everywhere. He won't pay attention. The Careers never do, according to Haymitch, because they think they know everything and have been training for this since they were tots. Thresh on the other hand, is like Peeta. Eyes locked on Atala and nodding at every word that shoots out her mouth. I study him for a moment, and I realise that he seems a little frightened.

"First rule; no fighting with the other tributes." Barks Atala. A smirk slides onto her lips and she breathes out "You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena." I stiffen but she continues. "There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes, ten percent from infection, twenty percent from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife."

Soon, we're all in separate parts of the gymnasium. Most people have chosen to go for the weapons section first. Cato and the District Four girl Ashley are slashing swords at each other with an instructor watching beside them cautiously. Cato thrusts his large sword at Ashley's protected stomach but she dodges it swiftly. Cato swoops in at her, knife ready to stab. She blocks his swing. Ashley then ducks under him almost, trips him over in a skilful movement and has him on the ground.

"Wow," I mutter under my breath.

I'm at the trap section, trying to figure out the complex knots that the instructor is showing everyone. The district six girl, the district four boy, Glimmer from 1 and I are fiddling with the ropes and twigs that lie before us, ready to become traps. Glimmer looks as confused as I am. She's tying them in the wrong ways and groaning as the trap falls to pieces. Six and Four seem to get it more than we do. Especially the boy. He is fixated in this, curving and tying them carefully into a strong, stable position. The perfect trap. Almost as good as Gales. Once a long time ago, he tried to teach me how to prepare a rabbit trap. When I tried, it was terrible and I also had the crushing thought of the rabbit being killed.

Glimmer gives up and stomps over the Career group. Six also decides to wander off to the agility/climbing section. It's just him and me. When I think about it, he's pretty cute. Curly, thick locks. Sea blue eyes that matches his fishing district. Apparently Four people are always at sea. He turns his head at me and I instantly look down at my crappy trap. Nice move, Prim. Now he knows you were watching him.

"Hey, do you need help?" He crawls to my side. My heart skips a beat and the blood rushes to my cheeks. Stop blushing Prim!

"Yeah," I admit, trying not to giggle. "I'm not very good at this stuff. And yours is so cool."

"Thanks. But I've had a lot of practice. I make nets for catching fish at home." So that's why he's so good.

"I'm not really good at anything. Except helping my mum cure people." His hands start to clasp over mine. They are cold and cool against my sweaty palms. I hope he doesn't notice. It seems when you start to grow feelings for someone, your flaws stick out like a sore thumb. Like how Katniss always looks down at her feet when Gale compliments her.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Johnny," he replies. "And your Primrose, right?"

"Yep. But everyone calls me Prim."

Johnny raises his eyebrow with a laugh. "I heard about what you did at the chariot rides-oh, you just got to weave that twig through their and then your done." I do what he says. Suddenly my crappy trap is an awesome one. How did he do that? Or how did 'we' do that? Mine was beyond repair!

"Thanks." I beam at him.

"Welcome. Hey, do you think...maybe...that we could be the arena?" Johnny is suddenly awkward and shy like in the Reaping.

I again snap into teenager/weird-shyness mode as well. "Why not? You could trap and if you get hurt I could heal you. Sounds like a good team." We laugh and nod our heads. I like this part of being in the Capitol. But this reminds me that everyone, all the tributes, even the Careers, are just children. Little children going to kill and be killed in a cruel game to show whose has got power over Panem. The presidents are sick sick people.

"Hey, lets battle each other in the sword fighting. I'll go easy on you."

"Okay," I giggle. "But I won't go easy on you!"

We race to the line for the sword fighting and pick our weapon.


We all are sitting for dinner back at the penthouse, eating are hearts out again. I sit between Peeta and Cinna and Haymitch glares at me on the other side of the table. Why does he always do that?!

" was your first day?" He says, chewing a large mouthful of food in his jaws. See-food much.

"It was fine." Peeta answers shortly. A pang of guilt overwhelms me. I didn't do anything with Peeta today. I even forgot he was there. I had practiced with Johnny all day at the traps and swords that I didn't notice him.

"Any alliances?" Haymitch continues.

"Yes, actually. The District Four boy." I reply. "His name is Johnny and he's really good at trapping."

Haymitch mumbles something under his breath and laughs. Effie, who is sitting next to him, hits his arm. "What did he say?" I look to Portia. She's on the other side of my mentor and is shaking her head. Haymitch starts to guffaw and the food he was munching on falls out of his mouth. Effie and Portia look sick now.

I bang my hands on the table. "How can I even trust you, Haymitch?!" The disgusting man lets out another laugh. His eyes are on fire, glaring into my soul. I don't care. I do it back.

Ah, the many staredowns I have with Haymitch are uncountable. He growls two words with gritted teeth. "You can't."



Prim and Johnny having bonding time.

Chapter thirteen on the go! All you have to do is vote and comment. I love comments from you guys!

I have a question for you readers: what would YOU do if Haymitch got on your nerves?

I really want to get Prim and Haymitch to have a full-on fight.

Betelgeuse81 OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!!


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