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In the camp, each counselor had their own private room, as they preferred not to share dorms when the camp was constructed. Late at night, Richard found himself on the phone, seeking privacy for the conversation he didn't want others to overhear.

"Sir, I promise you, the Indominous has confirmed that DNA splicing is possible," Richard told the person on the other end. "All of my research is proving we can do the same with human DNA. We have done it." He pleaded with the man. "Human splicing is the only step left."

"Combining human DNA is the future of this company, Parker." He reminded Richard. "Splicing soldiers with the skills and strengths of other animals. Getting that will make us all millions. Including the life of..."

"I know, sir," Richard promised. "I know why this is so important to him. I will be able to get the information to one of your men by the end of the week."

"Why the end of the week?"

"Well, I need to keep this on the down low. I am working with this camp with my son," Richard explained. "I can't have them know of these experiments."

"You better make it quick, Parker."

Richard then hung up with a sigh as he heard alarms blaring and looked off to the distance to see they came from the Velociraptor pen. "What the hell?"

Kenji and Darius found themselves encircled by four menacing Velociraptors, the predators closing in on them with predatory intent. But just as the dinosaurs were poised to strike, the lights to the enclosure all turned on, blinding the Velociraptor pack, harming their senses, while all of a sudden chunks of succulent meat rained down into the enclosure from above. There, standing at the edge of the pen, was Roxie, her figure silhouetted against the light as she skillfully diverted the raptors' attention by luring them with enticing morsels.

"Come and get it!" Roxie called out. The velociraptors then ran over to the meat, leaving the kids alone. "Get them out!"

Dave then opened the padlock with the code and the doors closed, freeing them from the grasp of the dinosaurs. Then several park employees arrived and ran to try and make sure that the paddock was still secure. They couldn't risk them escaping.

"Dave, that was... thank you so much," Darius said in relief.

"Oh, that's standard procedure, Darius. I do that all the time." Dave informed him. "Excuse me." Dave then turned around and started to puke. "Just give me a second."

Roxie ran down in relief as she looked over Dave first, seeing he was bent over. "Are you hurt?" She then looked to everyone else as Peter and Brooklynn joined them. "Is everyone alright?" Kenji tried walking away when Roxie stopped him. "Whoa! Whoa! Where do you think you're going? You and Darius are in so much trouble."

"I- he- he was-" Darius tried to explain, but was interrupted by Roxie.

"Save it!" Roxie stated. "We'll decide what to do with you later." She promised them in anger. "If you even get to remain here after a stunt like this."

Everyone then started to head to the car while Peter leaned to Brooklynn. "She reminds me of my aunt when she is mad."

"Seriously?" Brooklynn asks.

"Hey, you should see her wrath," Peter stated as he headed for the car.

Returning to the camp, Richard was waiting to see what was happening when he got a radio call saying Roxie and Dave were bringing in the kids who snuck out. He had to admit, he didn't think Peter was one for breaking the rules. Yet again, he hasn't really known much about Peter in recent years. He really hasn't been the best father. He put his work ahead of his own son for so long, is there much time to be a part of his life anymore?

Spider-Man: Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now