The Indominous

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The following day, the counselors gathered in hushed tones, their brows furrowed with concern as they strategized on how to secure additional support. With only three of them in such a bustling environment, they felt the weight of their responsibility to keep the children safe pressing down heavily on their shoulders. The situation was becoming increasingly clear:

They needed more hands on deck, as the sheer number of kids far outstripped their limited resources. It was a delicate balance between the welfare of the children and their own capacity to provide adequate oversight and care to the six of them. There was a sign of the helicopter that Masrani was known to fly into the park in. And he was there to see his newest attraction and how development is coming along.

"And despite the park's owner Mr. Masrani just now arriving, we have something that we urgently need to discuss with you, Ms. Dearing. You see-"

"Don't forget about the raptor pen," Dave said sitting in the car.

"Shh! I know, I know." Roxie said.

"Or the kids getting lost in the storm," Dave said.

"The point is-"

"Or the stampede during the storm."

"Shush!" Roxie demanded him. "The point is, Claire, uh, Ms. Dearing, uh, we know that Camp Cretaceous is very important to Mr. Masrani and that you were thinking of having your nephews join us today, but we've had two serious incidents over the last 48 hours. Dave, Richard, and I need more staff immediately or we need to send the kids home ASAP."

"The mailbox you are trying to reach is full. Please try again later."

"Ugh!" Both of them said.

"New plan: we do this in person," Roxie said as she headed for the car.

"Mm... I'm sorry, are you saying we leave the kids here alone? Our kids?" Dave asks. "The kids who seem determined to get themselves trampled and/or eaten? Those are the kids of which you speak?"

Roxie saw he did have a point. "We won't be gone long. Richard will be able to keep an eye on them. If we leave now, we can be back in an hour or two, tops."

Dave scoffs. "I'll leave a note."

Peter began to wake up but groaned when he felt like his body was turning against him. His arms were shaking when he tried to lift them, his head felt like it was being crushed under some invisible weight. He tried to look around but noticed there was no sign of the other guys. They must have already gotten up and left him to sleep. He really wished he had a phone or something that he could try to call for help.

"Peter? You awake?" Richard asked as he knocked, opening the door to see his son still in bed. "Peter? You..." That was when he heard his son breathing heavily and sweating a lot. "Oh, god." He walked over and kneeled down to feel his son's head, feeling the heat emanating from it. "Wow, you are burning up. Uh... great, Rox and Dave had to leave..." He tried to figure out what to do. "Okay, there is a medical station a few minutes away, I should be able to get a doctor over here. I don't think we could get them on the radios." He then stood up. "Okay, stay here, I will be back."

Peter moaned, too exhausted to say that he wasn't planning on going anywhere as his father left.

At the common area, Darius was making his way over missing the whole thing with Peter as he walked into the room with a new light. He was going to do all he could to make this the best experience since he and his dad had been trying to come to this park for years. Since he wasn't able to make it, he was going to do all he could to enjoy it for the both of them.

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