chapter 13~ limmo soda!

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It was the day of the dance! I was excited cause all my friends had dates! I'm glad cause well when I was in 5th grade me and my friends made a pack that if even one of us didn't have a date for any kind of dance we would all dump our dates and go as a group.

"Do I look OK?" Joslyn said examaning herself in the mirror.

"You look better than me" I said. Its been a week since the accident and well we pretended it didn't happen but it was hard explaining the mess and the scars on doughnuts face.

~le time skip~

"What is that?!?" I said as a long black limmo pulled up the drive way . then I say Toby and mark step out of the limmo and wave to us. We were on the porch so we raced down the stairs and they greeted us with flowers.

"Hello fair lady" said mark bending on one knee.

"Well what about me?" I asked Toby batting my eyes and sticking out my bottom lip.

"Well you know you don't need that you are perfect" he said picking me up and putting me in the limmo sitting me on his lap. I giggled he was amazing and we have been darling like a week and a half. And yet it was like we were sent for each other...

"COOL LIMMO SODA!!!!" Joslyn said looking in a mini fridge.

"COOL GIMME SOME!!!!" I said looking at the little cans of soda. Toby chuckled as I grabbed a soda and chugged it down. "What?" I asked him as he looked at me and starts laughing.

"Well I have never seen a girl so excited about soda" he chuckled which was like I had seen a rainbow with a pot of gold he was my pot of gold.

"Oy I have never seen a limmo" I said "never even been in one a matter of fact" I said smiling seeing him reach over and pullout a container with chocolate covered strawberries "OMG! CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES! YUM!" I said seeing him open it up and take a bite of one.

"Here my princess." he said feeding me a berry. He was so cute! I smiled and he said "hey. Somehow you got some chocolate on your cheek." He said grabbing another strawberry and dabbing the chocolate on my cheek.

"Hey come kiss it off" I said putting my arm around him.

"Well ok whatever you want my little berry" he said coming up to my cheek and licked the chocolate off then with a kiss he cleared the spit from his tounge.

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