Goodbye Baby.

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(Lily's POV.)

(Play Music Here.)

The dreaded morning had come. The day Stevie had to leave me. It was short notice and I wished I had more time to say goodbye properly and spend every last moment together.

"Do you want some breakfast before you go?" I ask Stevie.
"No, I'm good thanks. My cabs gonna be here in a few minutes." She replies.
"Have you got everything?" I ask yet another question.

"Yeah, I'm all set!" Stevie nods patting the top of her suit case.
"Can I have a kiss before you leave?" I giggle slightly.
"Of course, come here." Stevie tugs on my shirt pulling me closely and locking her lips with mine. I make the kiss last for as long as I could and cherish every second because I had no clue when the next time I'd be kissing her would be.

Stevie pecked my lips a few more times as we were interrupted by the horn of her cab.
"Well, I guess this is it." Stevie says softly.
"I guess it is." I say as a tear falls from my eyes. We walk out of the apartment and I put Stevie's bags in the trunk of the cab for her.

"Don't forget me, Lil. I'll be back soon." Stevie wipes her tears.
"I won't remember anything else." I whisper embracing her tightly.
"I love you." She says getting in the back of the car.

I wave her off as she waves back from the back window of the cab, blowing me kisses. I blow her a big kiss and she catches it and presses her hands to her lips. I wipe my tears, my heart aching.

"I love you, Stevie." I mumble.

(1 Day Later. - Stevie's POV.)

"Are you ready, Miss Bennigan?" The nurse asks leading me to my mothers room in the hospital. I nod in response. I was about to meet my birth month we for the first time in what had felt like forever, I don't remember her at all. On the way here I'd been informed my birth father didn't want anything to do with this. It didn't bother me, why should it, I'd lived 19 years without him, the rest of my life shouldn't hurt.

"Afternoon, Mrs Bennigan, your daughter is here to see you." The nurse informs my mother as she props herself up on her bed. I slowly walked into the room and stare at my mum. She was pale, thin, she looked weak. But we had the same eyes. Big brown eyes with naturally long eye lashes.

"Hi, n-Nora, I-I m-mean m-m-mum." I stutter as she smiles, pointing to the chair next to her bed as the nurse leaves us two alone.
"You are beautiful." My mum says taking my hand.
"Thank you." I say softly.

"You look like me when I was your age." She says weakly. I laugh softly, staring into her drained, thin face.
"So, how are you, mum?" I ask, it seemed like a stupid question but I really didn't know what else to say.
"I'm about as good as you can be when you are told you only have a few more weeks to live. But, I'm a lot better now I have my little girl here." She chuckles.

We talked for hours, catching up on everything we'd missed in each others lives. It was like we'd never been apart. We laughed, we cried and told stories, you know the kind of dumb irrelevant stories you only tell a parent because they'd listen to your crap anyway.

(1 Month Later.)

I sat, yet again, by my mums bedside. She was sleeping. The only sound filling the room was the beeping of the heart monitor my mum was attached too. I held her hand, day after day. I'd spend my every day in Tampa by her side, I helped her through the bad days, and smiled with her through the good.

I lay my head back in the chair, never letting go of my mums hand. Tapping the arm of the chair along to my mums heart beat. Then I stopped tapping, the beeping stopped, my mum took one last breath and then her body was still. At peace.

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