Oh No, Bro

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(Lily's POV.)

I'd been with Stevie for quite a long time now. She'd gotten passed the hard stage of meeting my father, now it was time to meet my brothers Jas and Mikey.

They were arriving in about a half hour, so Stevie and I were preparing some nibbles for lunch.
"Babe, can you grab me the bread knife please?" I ask Stevie politely.
"Yeah, sure. Here you go." She says nervously.

"Are you nervous because you're holding a knife or nervous to meet my brothers?" I ask with a giggle.
"Meet your brothers, of course." Stevie laughs.
"You've met my father, that was the hard part and that couldn't have went any better. However, this is gonna be so much easier and sooo fun, you'll love Jas and Mikey!" I say with a smile.

"I just still get so nervous Lil, I'm still not used to meeting new people. I mean at work, it's good because I'm the boss, they fear me. But anywhere else, man it's scary!" Stevie shakes her head.
"It'll be fine. I promise." I say wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you." Stevie whispers before pressing her lips against mine. Running her thumb lightly across my cheek.
"I love you too." I say, pecking her lips between each word.

*Knock knock knock*

"That'll be them! Can you set everything on the coffee table whilst I get that?" I ask Stevie. She nods and grabs platefuls of food before heading to the living room. I head to the door and open it.
"PILLYPIE!" My brothers say in unison.

"Aww you guys! It's been sooo long!" I say pulling them both into what we called a 'Sibling Sandwich'.
"I know, we missed you!" Jas says before heading inside.
"Right through there." I say directing them to the living room.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Stevie." I say with a proud smile.
"Hi, nice to meet you both." Stevie says hugging Mikey and then Jas.
"Nice to meet you too." Jas says.
"Hell yeah it is." Mikey says nodding and quite clearly checking Stevie out.

"Hey, hands off Mikey!" I yell jokingly. Stevie looks at me nervously.
"I hope you don't mind Sis, but after this little bite, I really gotta run! I have a meeting with the band that I really can't miss." Jas says softly.

"That's no problem, you gotta do what ya gotta do. You can stay a little longer though, right Mikey?" I ask, looking at Mikey who say with his eyes glued to Stevie.
"Hellooooo, Earth to Mikey!" Jas says clicking his fingers.

"Uhhh..of course...yeah." He stutters.

(Stevie's POV.)

We'd eaten lunch and had conversations about work, Lily being back in acting and just general small talk. However, it made me uncomfortable that Lily's brother wouldn't stop staring at me. Not like a kind stare, it was a hitting on me with a smirk kind of stare.

"Well guys, I better run! Great meeting you Stevie, and good to finally see you sis!" Jas says rising from his seat.
"Lovely meeting you!" I say hugging Jas goodbye.
"Take care of yourself bro." Lily says kissing Jas' cheek.

"I will. C'ya later Mikey!" Jas says playfully punching Mikey.
"Bye bro!" He replies.
"I'm just gonna tidy up a little in the kitchen I won't be too long." Lily says with a smile picking up the plates.

"Let me help you?" I say.
"Baby, it's fine. I got it." She says with a smile before leaving to go to the kitchen.

"So, do you love Lily?" Mikey asks.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I do. I'm IN love with her, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Your sister is the most amazing woman in the world." I say with a smile.
"You'd like never date a guy?" Mikey asks shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well I am gay...so no, I wouldn't. I don't hate men, some are attractive. But, it's just not for me." I giggle.
"Am I one of the attractive men?" He says with a smirk.
"Uhhhh...I.." I stutter as Mikey trails his hand up my exposed thigh as I wore shorts.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Her. NOW." Lily says angrily.
"Fuck. Lily..I was..uh.." Mikey moves his hand and rises from the sofa, trying to explain himself. I sit clueless, yet afraid Lily was scared I'd also been returning his flirtatious actions and remarks.

"You don't need to explain, Mikey. I heard the little questions and the touching. And before Jas left you would NOT stop staring. Yes, you are my brother and I love you but do not hit on my girlfriend. She's mine and only mine. So I think you should leave." Lily speaks sternly, a hint of fury in her voice.

"Lil, I'm sor-"
"Save it Mikey. I don't wanna hear it. I hoped you'd come here being happy for me, even dad was more accepting than you. Instead you come tryna steal my girlfriend. No way. Goodbye Mikey." Lily says, hurt in her voice.
"Bye Lil..goodbye Stevie." Mikey says before rushing out the door.

Lily takes a deep breathe and flings herself on to the sofa.
"Lily?" I say softly.
"What?" She says bluntly.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask.

"Of course not. I heart and saw it all, you weren't returning the feelings, you constantly looked uncomfortable like you were internally screaming for him to leave you alone. I'm just sorry my brother is such an ass!" Lily says rolling her eyes.

"Hey, don't be sorry. It was him that chose to act like such a jerk!" I say laying next to Lily and cuddling her like a small child clinging a teddy bear.
"Let's just forget about it. Let's just watch a movie or something, yeah?" Lily sighs.
"Sure." I say with a smile. Turning to face the TV so Lily and I could spoon.

"THE BREAKFAST CLUB IS ON!! LIL WE GOTTA WATCH IT! It's one of my favourite films!" I beg.
"Really? Mine too!" Lily giggles.

We cuddle and watch the movie, as I watched the scene where the gang get high. It gave me an idea.
"Lil, have you ever been high before?" I ask with a smirk, which Lily couldn't see because I had my back to her.
"Nope, never." She says with a giggle.

"Why'd you ask?" Lily asks.
"Just..curious." I say. But really, tomorrow, I was gonna get Lily high, in the hot tub. Oh, what fun. Like high school-I-never-attended all over again.

(A/N: Sorry for the seriously shit and boring chapter. And I'm sorry if the idea of Lily getting high offends anyone, I just thought it would be fun. If it does offend anyone then I advice not reading the next chapter which I'm unsure when I'll write. Read my last A/N if you haven't already, it's the reason I haven't been updating so much lately. Also because I'm losing inspiration and just rushing out chapters to make up for lack of updates. If you have any ideas for future chapters. PLEASE comment of message me your ideas. Lots of love - C.)

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