Merry Christmas, Baby

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(Stevie's POV.)

"Morning, beautiful!" I nibble on Lilys ear waking her up. I'd been up an hour before, creeping around the house, setting out all Lily's presents I had bought her. I didn't want to disappoint since she was fully aware I was a millionaire now and my money was processed a couple days ago.

"Hi baby!" Lily groans sleepily.
"Time to open your presents!" I say running through to the living room as Lily drags behind.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I shout waving my hands in front of the pile of presents next to the tree.

"Oh. My. God. STEVIE!!" Lily's jaw drops.
"Come on then, RIP 'EM UP!" I yell as Lily rips open her first present. A small box, she opens it and sees a diamond ring, the inside of the box reads.

'Merry Christmas to the most beautiful woman. Will you be my girlfriend? -S'

"Of course I will! Yes!" Lily nods and smiles with tear filled eyes. It takes Lily around a half hour to get through the whole load of presents which consisted of designer shoes, handbags, dresses, casual clothes, bikini and a ticket to a Shakespeare play, 'Much Ado About Nothing' which I knew was one of Lily's favourites.

"Thank you, so so much! I don't know what to say, everything is just perfect! Thank you Stevie, I love you so so much!" Lily embraces me tightly, kissing my neck between words.
"Also, the fridge is filled with junk food and the cupboard filled with wine and vodka, so we're sure to have a extra merry christmas!" I say with a smirk.

"Oh I do pick em good!" Lily winks at me.
"Look!" I show Lily my hand, I wore the same ring I gave to her, our initials SB&LR engraved on the inside of the ring.
"I love it, I love YOU!" Lily emphasises the word you whilst pinching my nose.

"So, what kind of Christmas would you like to have?" I ask with a giggle.
"Pyjama day, eating the junk food you bought, watch every Christmas movie and get hella drunk with my girlfriend?!" Lily smirks.

"That sounds like a perfect Christmas...FOR OLD PEOPLE." I roll my eyes.
"What? Really? I thought that sounded cute?" Lily gasps.
"You left out cuddling by the fire. THEN it'll be perfect." I smirk.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Lily giggles.
"Yeah, so I've heard." I wink.
"So, you gonna open your gifts from me?" Lily asks with her signature sweet smile.
"Yeah, sure" I gather my gifts and sit on Lily's lap to open them, she holds my waist.

I open the first which was a mixtape of all our favourite Fleetwood Mac songs.
"Aw babe, I love this! This is so sweet!" I say holding my chest as I scan my eyes across the song list. I open the next which was some clothes, all black of course, I literally refused to wear any other colour.

The next was a new pair of my favourite Dr Marten boots.
"Lily, this is too much!" I say admiring my boots.
"Errr, you kidding me? After the heap I just opened from you? This is nothing!" She giggles. I open a few more presents which were cute little things, all wrapped perfectly by Lily. Make up, jewellery, a cute onesie. I was so grateful to have been spoilt by my beautiful girlfriend.

I open the last gift, a framed photo which I had taken with Lily the day we went ice skating. We had obviously got someone to take it for us, Lily had her hands around my waist, I held her hands, and my favourite thing about the photo is that it wasn't one of the planned ones. We were laughing, looking at each other with love filled eyes. It was possibly my favourite photos.

"Oh god Lily, this is perfect! Thank you so much for everything! I love it all as much as I love you!" I say cupping her face.
"Anything for my girl." She smiles, kissing me passionately.

After eating take out, we lay eating junk food, cuddling on the sofa. I had chosen the movie 'Imagine Me&You' because it was one of my favourites and Lily had never seen it before.
"YOU'RE A WANKER NUMBER 9!" I yell in Lily's ear as she jumps about a mile in the air.

"Holy shit! You made me jump!" She giggles.
"Realised, you were nearly swinging from the chandelier, Sia would be proud." I laugh, yes, I laughed at my own joke - I do that a lot.
"You're such a goof ball!" Lily smirks.

"But I'm you're goof ball!" I wink.
"Okay, now you're a cheesy goof ball!" She giggles, taking my arms and wrapping them around her as we get closer and cosy to watch the rest of the film.

After we had finished the movie, Lily cleared the living room of all the empty wrappers and bags of food we had eaten. Whilst I went off to 'wash up'. I snuck into the bedroom and pulled out a sexy Santa suit which I had bought when I went shopping for Lily's presents.

The dress was short, of course, with a fluffy white part around the bottom and top of the dress. Obviously similar to Santa Claus but much sexier. I slipped on skin coloured knee high socks with red bows clipped at my thigh. I let my hair out of the messy bun as it tumbled in curls around my face, I then put on a Santa hat and some red lipstick and headed to give Lily another little present already unwrapped under my dress - *wink wink*.

"Lily." I shout before I enter the living room.
"Yeah, baby?" She replies.
"Close your eyes a sec, I have another present for you." I giggle. I hear a small laugh coming from Lily and peek through the door to check she had closed her eyes like I asked. I crept into the living room and stood in front of her.

"Merry Christmas, baby. I've heard you've been a bad girl this year." I tut, sarcastically, a smirk spread across my face. Lily's eyes widen, her jaw drops, I could tell she was trying to speak but no words escaped her lips.

"What? Oh no, you don't like it!" I sigh.
"No, I love it! It's sexy!" Lily nods, looking at me up and down.
"So, shall we?" I smirk.
"Oh, we shall!" She winks, pulling me on top of her. I remove Lily's shirt and throw it to the ground, there was no need to take off her bra because she wasn't wearing one since we were having a lazy kinda day.

I stand up and pull of Lily's bottoms, along with her panties. Now leaving her fully naked. I lay her on her back across the sofa and get on top of her, one of my legs by each of her hips. I hoist up my dress, and pull one of Lily's legs over my shoulder, allowing our cores to touch. I grind my hips as our clits rub together. Sending an instant wave of pleasure through my body.

I massage Lily's breasts as she closes her eyes, sweet moans of satisfaction escaping her lips. I thrust my hips in a circular motion, pressing myself deeper against Lily to intensify the pleasure for both of us.

Already, I knew I was close, I grip onto Lily's breasts as I moan loudly. Reaching my climax, riding out my orgasm on top of Lily. I kiss down her neck and kiss her breasts, making my way down to her core. I dip my tongue inside and flick Lily's clit with my tongue, gripping onto her thighs so I could work on her better.

"Mmm, oh my god Stevie, AGHH!" Lily arches her back, tilting her head back as she orgasms, sweet moans coming from her mouth.
I peck my way back up her body then press my lips against hers. Our tongues exploring each others mouths. Her soft Cupid bow lips tasted like strawberries.

"I really, really wish it was Christmas every day just to see you wear that." Lily says, still struggling for breath slightly.
"I could make every day Christmas if it meant doing this every day." I smirk. I take Lily's hand and lead her to the bedroom where we both redress ourselves and get ready for bed.

"This is the best Christmas I've ever had, it's the first I haven't been alone. So thank you for making it so special for me Lily, I love you." I say getting under the covers and wrapping my arms around Lily. Resting my head on her chest as she kisses it.
"I hate the word alone, you're never alone as long as you've got me okay. I will never leave you, maybe we'll have days apart, but I'm always right in here. Right?" Lily says pointing to my chest.

"Right." I nod, smiling.
"I love you, goodnight Stevie." Lily gives me one last kiss before closing her eyes.
"Goodnight, Lil. I love you." I sigh contently.

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