Mr Rabe

283 20 4

(Stevie's POV.)

Oh shiiiiit. It's Tuesday, and today is the day I'll meet Lily's dad for the first time. This could go real bad or real well. He was aware Lily and I were a couple, but had never met me.
"Can I make the dinner for your father tonight, Lil?" I ask as I pour us both a cup of coffee to start the day.
"Uhhhh, sure. But there's one tiny thing, he wants us to make his favourite, and he loves when I make it, so you better make it good!" Lily smirks.

"What's his favourite?" I ask.
"Steak and homemade fries." Lily says with a smile.
"Oh shit, what if I burn the steak? I've never made homemade fries, what if he doesn't enjoy it and then he won't like me, FUCK!" I panic.

"Stevie! Calm down, it's all gonna be fine. I'll help you, and it wouldn't be too bad if you burnt his steak, he likes it well done anyways!" Lily says patting my head as if I was a kid.
"I am so stressed right now, I need vodka." I sigh, grabbing fistfuls of my own hair.

"Stevie, it's 11am. Are you serious?" Lily says.
"Never to early for a vodka...but, I can't have your dad meeting me when I'm drunk, so I won't have one, because that would NOT go down well!" I giggle.

"Okay, I'm gonna jump in the shower, the potatoes are there, you can start cutting them into fries so everything just had to be made later. Dad will be here at 3pm." Lily says before kissing my neck and then heading for a shower.

(2:40pm - Lily's POV.)

I set the table as Stevie prepares the food in the kitchen. I could tell she was nervous about meeting my dad, so I left her to it because I didn't wanna pressure her.

*knock knock knock*

I answer the door and was greeting by an embrace from my father.
"Hi dad!" I say, squeezing him tightly.
"Hello pumpkin!" He says holding my shoulder. Stevie comes through, her face turns slightly pale due to how nervous she was.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend, Stevie." I say with a smile, admiring my girlfriends beauty.
"Hi, sir, it's nice to meet you." Stevie says quietly, shaking my fathers hand.
"Call me David, please." He nods with a smile.

"You guys take a seat, I'm just gonna get everything plated up. What would you like to drink si-, I mean David." Stevie stutters.
"I'll have a scotch please." My dad says.
"Just being through a bottle of wine for me and you, Stevie, we can share it." I say, winking at Stevie when my dad wasn't looking.

"She's a very pretty girl, Lil." My dad speaks as if his words were forced. I'm not sure he was completely comfortable with the whole idea of me being with another woman. If mum was here, she would've made him ease up to the idea.
"Thanks daddy." I smile.

Stevie comes through, placing our plates in front of us then leaving, and then returning with our drinks. My dad stabs the fork into his steak and cuts himself a slice and shoves it in his mouth. I could tell by Stevie's face she was completely freaking out about how he'd respond to her cooking. My dad stays silent, and then eats a fry.

"MMMMM! This is delicious, the steak is cooked to absolute perfection, the fries have the perfect crunch. Stevie, did you do all of this?" My dad says as a smile spreads across his face, a genuine smile.
"Yes sir, I did." Stevie nods with pride.
"Well Lily, you've got some tough competition, I might just say Stevie's is slightly better than yours!" My dad laughs.

We sit, making general talk, eating our food. After we were finished, I let Stevie and my dad get to know each other whilst I stood in the kitchen cleaning up. I hear loud bursts of laughter coming from the dining room, I hadn't heard my dad laugh like that in years. It was good to hear that good old laugh again.

"I'll grab you another scotch, David!" I hear Stevie say.
"Oh please, call me Dad, we're all family hear!" My dads words warming my heart. Stevie walks in the kitchen, still laughing at whatever her and my dad were talking about.

"What you laughing at?" I smirk.
"Dad is the funniest guy! He's telling me about that time when you were younger, and you wanted to be a ballerina and your first show, you put your tutu upsides down..a-and h-he s-s-said you looked l-like a...oh my god I can't!" Stevie screams with laughter.
"I looked like a badminton shuttlecock, right?" I giggle.

"STOP! I can't breathe!" Stevie clenches her stomach from all the laughing. To be fair, she had a good few glasses of wine, this may be the wine talking, but maybe her and my dad really were getting a long so well. Stevie pours the scotch for my dad and we both head back through to sit with him.

"Lily, she's a great one!" My dad says, placing his hand on Stevie's shoulder.
"Thanks dad, she sure is!" I giggle.
"I don't want to upset you by saying this sweetheart, but your mother, really would be so proud of you. How well you are doing with your job, although she might not be too happy about you quitting acting because she knew how good you were at it, she would be very proud of the woman you've become." My dad says as he holds my hand.

I smile and nod, a tear rolling down my cheek, I didn't know whether it was a happy tear or a sad tear. I was happy that dad had said she'd be proud of me, but the whole acting thing stuck out at me. She did love the fact I was an actress. She didn't encourage it when I was younger, but she said I grew into it and became successful in a beautiful way and she loved watching me to that.

"Anyway, I better head home. Your brother is outside, he's aware I've had a few drinks so he'll take me home." My dad rises from his seat.
"If I'd known, I could've take you home but I've had a bottle of wine almost!" Stevie says, causing my dad to laugh.
"That's alright Stevie. And let's do this again soon, I really thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight with you both." My dad embraces me and kisses my cheek.

"Any time dad, give me a call sometime soon!" I squeeze him tightly. He nods and then hugs Stevie. It made me happy that he hugged her, because I knew for sure that he really liked her and had actually approved of our relationship.
"Bye dad, don't forget, me and you are so on for that soccer game next month!" Stevie giggles as she hugs my dad.

"We most definitely are! See you both soon, thank you for dinner, bye!" My dad waves as he leaves. I close the door behind him and sit back down on the couch next to Stevie.
"Man, he is the coolest dad!" Stevie squeals.

"And he really likes you! Seriously, that couldn't have went any better!" I say running my hands through Stevie's hair.
"You did good tonight baby." I press my lips against hers.
"I couldn't have done it without you." She replies, deepening the kiss.

"Yeah, Lil?"
"I think I wanna start acting again..."

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