Its Snowing

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(Lily's POV.)

It was 3 days until Christmas, Stevie hadn't left my bed, she wouldn't eat, she didn't sleep, and what hurt me most is that she still wouldn't talk to me.

"Morning, sleepy head." I say wrapping my arms around Stevie. She stiffened her body as if she didn't want me holding her.
"You can't call me that if I didn't sleep." She says sternly.
"Stevie, come on. You haven't moved in 4 days, you won't eat, sleep or talk to me." I say, high pitched from frustration.

Yet again, she said nothing. I knew inside she must have had something to say and she was just dying to let it out.
"I'm hurting. My b-body, it hurts, my heart hurts, my head hurts, I'm h-hurt." She croaks, her voice strained from lack of talking.

"You haven't moved in days, please get up Stevie, we can take a walk, grab a bite to eat. Please, I love you and I'm hurting too, because you're hurting and because I hurt you, and I am so, so sorry from the bottom of my heart." I stutter, pain in my voice.

"You said you'd wait for me, I was gone a month Lily, that's nothing and you still couldn't keep your pants on." Stevie says harshly. I couldn't say anything, I'd explained myself before and I didn't have the energy to do it again. I felt anger in my voice, painful memories flooding in my mind from my hard times of loneliness and isolation.

"I've said sorry, what else can I do. But know something, you're not the only one to lose a mother. I lost mine too, she was MY best friend, MY shoulder to cry on, and she's gone." I say with tears in my eyes, letting out something I'd never told Stevie before.

"Why didn't you tell me?.." She whispers, pain flooding in her eyes.
"Because, I don't like to bring it up. I know what it's like Stevie, I felt that pain too, I still live with that pain. I don't know how to help you deal with your pain because nobody helped me deal with mine." I cry, clenching fistfuls of my hair in anger as I pace the room.

Stevie gets up out of the bed for the first time in days.
"Let go, take in the anger, the pain, let it all in, and then let it all go, Lil." She says taking deep breaths and nodding for me to do the same.
"We're in this together, we're going to help each other. Okay?" Stevie says reassuring me as I nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry Stevie, I'm so so sorry." I sob burying my head into her shoulder.
"Hey, forget it okay. I've been a hard ass bitch this last couple days, I've hurt you too. I forgive you Lily. Let's just take a deep breath and move on. It's almost Christmas, that's a time to spend being happy, right?" Stevie says softly, wiping my eyes.

"Can you? I-I've m-missed y-your lips.." I stutter.
"Why'd you always ask? Just kiss me." Stevie giggles, finally coming back to her old self. She cups my face and presses her lips against mine.

"Now, I'm gonna go take a shower, because I stink, seriously ew, why didn't you throw water over me man?" Stevie laughs, scrunching up her face.
"You don't stink silly!" I giggle.

Stevie and I take a shower together, washing each other, hugging, touching and kissing, it felt like in some way we helped to wash away each others anger and pain. Because the last week or so had been total hell.

(Play Music Here.)

"Hey, can we decorate the fuck out of your house?" Stevie says whilst getting dressed again.
"Our house, I want you to stay here for good." I say with a smile.
"Really? Like, are you sure?" Stevie gasps.

"Yes, I don't ever want to spend another moment away from you. I want to come home to you after work every day, you're the one I want to spend forever with." I say as I bite my bottom lip.
"I want to spend forever with you too, Lil." Stevie says caressing my cheek.

After we were both dressed, hair dried, I get the Christmas tree from the attic and Stevie and I decorate it, placing the bobbles and tinsel all over the tree. It looked perfect.

"Perfecttttt!" I say rubbing my hands together, warming them by the fire.
"Hey, Lil, look! It's snowing." Stevie yells pointing outside the window. The stars were shining, the snow was falling gracefully to the ground and laying thickly.

"Can we go outside?" Stevie asks.
"Sure! Let me get my scarf, hat and gloves first!" I giggle.
Stevie and I meet again in the living room, puffed up with our large jackets, bobble hats, woollen scarfs and thick, cosy mittens.

"This way." I say leading Stevie up to the roof top of my building where the snow would have no footprints and we could be closer to the stars.

I turn around to face Stevie, but she wasn't there. She sat on the edge of the building, with her feet over the edge.
"Stevie, what the hell are you doing?" I yell.
"Taking in the fresh air, feeling the snow on my face, feeling free." She says with a content sigh.

"Please, come away from there your making me nervous." I say, she does as I say and comes over to me, never taking her eyes off the night sky.
"Look!" She points to the stars.
"What?" I ask confused.

"Those two, right there! The two brightest ones next to each other. That's our mums, watching over us." Stevie smiles, her eyes glistening along with the stars, making me smile too.
"Yeah, that's them, Jill and Nora." I smile, my eyes lost in the stars.

"I love you both." Stevie kisses her hand and throws her kiss to the sky, I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

Stevie turns in my arms to face me, holding her hands behind her back as if she was hiding something.
"What are you hiding?" I ask curious.
"SNOW BALL FIGHT!" She yells, volleying the snowball off my stomach.

"You little shit!" I giggle, gathering snow into a ball and throwing it in Stevies direction. She squeals as it hits her directly in the ass.
"5 points to Rabe!" I laugh throwing my hands in the air. I feel my face going ice cold, covered in snow.

"10 points to Bennigan! Right in the fucking face!" Stevie screams, I chase her and tackle her to the ground as she squeals.
"LILY STOP! Stop I can't breathe!" Stevie and I laugh loudly as I tickle the hell out of her laying her in the snow.

"I'm not gonna stop until you apologise for hitting me in the face." I smirk. Stevie grabs a handful of snow and shoves it down my back. I stand up screaming and jumping trying to shake it out of my shirt.

"AHH FUCK! COLD! YOU BITCH!" I yell trying to hold in my laugh as Stevie rolls around in the snow screaming in laughter.
"I'm sorry but I hate being tickled!" Stevie giggles, dusting the snow off herself as she stands up.

"Say sorry properly." I wink. Stevie walks towards me and cups my face, kissing me aggressively. Our tongues dancing in each others mouths. Stevie kisses down my neck, I close my eyes embracing the passion.

"Better?" She asks with a cheeky look.
"Yes, much better." I giggle.
"Now, I'm cold, so how about we go back inside and warm up?" Stevie suggests.
"Yeah, I left the fire on so it should be hot." I say.

"I meant WARM up?" Stevie says implying sex to warm up, I giggle embarrassed that I hadn't gotten the hint before.
"Ohhhhh! I'm down for some warming up!" I smirk, holding Stevies hand as we head back inside.

(A/N: Everything's good now between Stevie and Lily, please nobody wanna fight me anymore. And I promise smut in the next chapter, I mean, it'll be Christmas after all;-).)

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