Chapter 3 - Cruelty

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"Sapphire! Sapphire! Where are you?!" My mom cries looking for me. I giggle from behind the shed, drinking a juice box I packed. Me and momma got in a fight and I told her I'm gonna run away. Me being stubborn, I actually did it, but I'm too chicken to go anywhere other then home so I hid behind the shed. I'm gonna make her feel bad for making me cry!

"Sapphire!" I hear my momma and papa yell as I hear them go down the street. I laugh. I don't remember the reason me and momma fought, but they already  started looking for me so I can't stop now. 

I peek out from behind my hiding place to see if they're gone, and they are. I get up and stretch. Hidings hard work, and if I'm gonna be hiding longer, I need more stuff. I walked to the backdoor and into the house getting blankets, a coloring book, and some fruit snacks. While I walked through the house thinking about what next to take, I see a weird car in front of the house while going by the curtains. I peeked my head through them a bit and see a black car. That's not papa's car. 

Then a man comes out the car, and he looks scary. He started coming to the door and I pull back from the curtains and sat against the wall under the window. When he knocked, I ran to the kitchen trying to be quiet. He knocked... one... two... three... three times before it stopped. I go to the curtain and peek through it again. The man isn't there, but I see his car is still here. Where did he go? I pull back from the curtain wondering where he went, and I hear the back door open. I gasp and run upstairs to my room. I crawled under my bed and started shaking. I'm so scared, the man's in the house! I hear sounds from downstairs like he's searching for something.

My heart's beating so fast, I feel them in my ears. Footsteps come up the stairs and into my room. It's him! He walks around, but I don't think he touched anything. Instead, I hear clicks. Like when I take photos with mamma or papa. He turned his feet towards my bed. 'click'. Why?

He does this for a few more minutes and walks out. After a few minutes, I hear my back door slam. My heart is going to explode, I'm scared. I want momma, she'll know what to do. After 10 minutes, I carefully get out from under the bed and quietly checked the house to see if the man is really gone. Then checked the window for his car. Gone. ~

 I go back to my room still shaking. I really thought he was going to hurt me! What if he comes back? I reach for my teddy bear besides my pillow, only to see that it's gone. Tears started welling up in my eyes. He took the teddy my daddy gave me! 

I started crying because I was scared and hurt. I didn't want to go back hiding, I want my momma. When they came back home to find me crying in my room, they were so happy and worried. Happy that I actually didn't run away, and worried because I was crying and shaking. I've stayed home alone before, and I was always fine, so they couldn't figure out why I was so scared. I didn't want to tell them because I was scared that the man was gonna come back and find out I told them. So I never did.

My eyes snap open, Then close in regret as a groan escaped my lips. My head throbbed like crazy. My body felt hollow, but I still feel some pain. I try and wipe my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand, but something stops me. I look at it and there's an IV needle in my hand's vein. Then I look around a little confused. White walls, some chairs, tile flooring, a T.V. Then I see the machines and what I'm hooked up to, and realize that I'm in a hospital. As I wonder why I'm here, it comes back to me, again, and I end up with an even worse headache and teary eyes. It gets worse each time I remember, doesn't it?

"So you're awake?" Someone says, closing the door. I guess I hadn't noticed someone coming in. I don't respond or even look at who came in. The person sounded feminine, so perhaps the nurse. 

"Excuse me? Ms. Hunter?" The lady says politely. I turn my heavy head towards her with no response. I have nothing to say. I'm just so empty.

"Um... It's nice that you woke up. We expected you to be asleep for longer. I came here to check on how you're doing. My name is Shelby Belton and I will be your nurse for the day," she said, only to get no response from me. She grunted quietly from my empty stares and fumbles around with the equipment and writing things down on her clipboard. I just watch her do all of this. I can't do anything anyway. I don't want to.

"That's all for now, but if you need anything like food or medicine, press this button," The nurse said pointing to a button on the stand next to my bed. She said goodbye and started to leave, but paused at the doorway and turned back at me with a soft smile.

"Oh dear, how could I forget. You have some guests who will be coming today to see you," she said and left. Who could possibly come to see me? I don't have any friends, my family's dead, and any other relatives live in other states. Not like my relatives liked me anyways. They hate my family. It started to depress me more thinking about my family again. The agony on their faces, the emptiness of their eyes, their limp bodies. It was too much to handle. Tears started to fall and my body started shaking. Why them? Why couldn't it have been me? They could've lived longer and happier. Especially for Layiya. She barely even got to crawling. It's so cruel. So unfair and cruel. I can still smell the metallic sent of blood just thinking of it. As more tears slid out of my eyes, I find myself unable to stop shaking, nor finding the effort to stop. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, hating myself for not saving them. Hating myself for not protecting them. Just hating myself.

Then the door opens. I don't bother to look at the person, but the person sits on a chair near my bed anyways. I lay there still staring at the ceiling, not finding any strength to move. I haven't stopped shaking, but I did repress my tears. I didn't want to seem that weak. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I didn't mind it, even though I would prefer to be alone. Alone with my thoughts...

The person coughed awkwardly. It was a deep, hearty cough. So I assumed it was a guy. Giving up, I turn my head over to the person and my mind went blank. What? Am I still dreaming? I discreetly pinch my side juts to be sure. The pain IS there, so I suppose not. Are you serious right now? This can't be happening. Why now of all times?

The man sitting before me has; black, side-shaven hair, deep blue eyes outlined in black, a jawline that could cut diamond, cheekbones that could probably slay Angelina Jolie's, and that famous lip ring. Of course. It just had to be now. 

I couldn't process all of this. I'm too in shock, too overwhelmed. One thing after another is being thrown at me. I try to think of something to say, anything. I manage to get one, confused question out of my mouth, staring at him with mixed emotions. My question seeming to confuse him as well.


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