Chapter 6 - A Pleasant Surprise

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It's been a few days after Andy left. It's been pretty quiet and I'm bored out of my mind. Channel surfing looses its charm after a while and I've honestly considered throwing the remote at the TV. I've also tried to listen to Andy about at least tried to eat the food here. Key word, tried. It's so bland and dry, I think I've even seen it twitch. But, I force myself anyway because if not, Andy would probably go out and buy me more food like last time, and I wasn't willing to go through the guilt of having someone pay for me. I'd rather give then get things, that's just how I am.

A soft knock sounded throughout the room and the door opened to reveal a nurse. To be more exact, Shelby Belton, the nice nurse who took care of me when I first woke up. I gave her a soft smile as she let herself in. She returned the smile with a polite one and walked near my bed.

"Hello miss Hunter, how are you feeling today? Any discomfort or pain?" The nurse asked kindly. "No, I'm feeling much better. Thank you," I said quietly.

"I came here to tell you, since you're recovering quite quickly, that you may be discharged earlier then expected. Unless you feel the need to stay for the original set of time," The nurse said awaiting my answer. I sighed. I'd like to be discharged early and all, but I wouldn't know exactly what to do when I get out. I couldn't bare going back to my home. It's would be too much for me. I also have no relatives that live nor care for me. I guess I could use what money I do have to buy an apartment and just continue on with my life. Continue on huh....

"Miss Hunter?" The nurse's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Have you made a decision or would you like some time to think it over?" I bite my lip, shaking my head. "No, that's alright. I would like to be discharged early please. When would be the earliest that I can leave?"

"You can leave tomorrow, I will come around 1pm to help you get you get together and to return your personal belongings," she said with a small smile. "Alright, thank you for caring for me and being so nice," I say, thankful that she wasn't like some of the douchebags here.

"It's not problem at all. In fact, I'd say it's just in my nature to be nice to everyone, because you may not know what they've been through, and what you say can really affect someone," she says wisely and I nodded thoughtfully. She has a good point. Thankfully, I don't blurt out everything I think or I'd unintentionally hurt people's feelings. She turned and walked towards the door. "I will be leaving now, but please get some rest and do not hesitate to ask for anything you'd like," and with the click of the closing door, she's gone.

I lay back on the bed, thinking about how nice she is, and cute. I widened my eyes and slap my cheeks at my stupid thoughts. I'm in no condition to think of how undeniably cute that women is. I slap my cheeks again. I did it again! I mean who wouldn't? She was quite attractive. She had a nice figure that wasn't the envy of all women, but suited her. Her pretty dirty blonde hair clipped up in a twist bun and long black eyelashes to frame her light brown eyes. She also had pink, plump lips and seemingly smooth lightly tanned skin. As gorgeous as she is, she's no match for Andy. Andy would win any contest involving looks. I slap my cheeks once more, remembering I'm not supposed to be thinking of these things. Gosh I'm an idiot.

Another knock at the door sounds throughout the room and I sit up again, waiting for the person to open it. When it did, Andy poked his head through. "Hey, it's me again! Thought you never see me again, huh?" He says jokingly and I give a light chuckle as he lets himself in. "Oh yes, I thought that I'd be forever alone here," I say smiling at him. He seats himself next to my bed and looks at the door a little nervously. I look at the door and back at him, a little suspicious.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked. He just shook his head and said, "I may or may not have brought some people here with me. I may or may not have left them out there while I made sure it was okay with you,"

"Who did you bring with you?" I asked furrowing my brows. He chuckled and said, "Oh nobody, just the rest of the band," my eyes widened with excitement at meeting the rest of Black Veil Brides.

"Yes, I'd love to meet them. Don't make them wait," I say happily and hoping that I wouldn't embarrass myself like I always do. Andy gets up and opens the door for everyone. In piles the rest of the band. Them being; Jake Pitts, Christain Coma, Jinxx, and Ashley Purdy. Once they're all in, they're eyes look over at me, as if evaluating me. I look down at the sheets, clutching them slightly and breath. I can do this. Breathing one last time, I look up and gave a little smile and said, "Hello, I'm Sapphire, it's nice to meet you all!"

The silence continued on. I thought that maybe I've overdone it and look to Andy. All he did was give me a soft smile to comfort me. I look back to the rest and jumped back. C.C. was suddenly much closer then before and came closer to my face, before smiling and pulling away. "Dude! She's so pretty! I didn't really pay attention the first time because I was freaked out about that day, but you totally have a keeper here!" C.C. exclaimed the smile still plastered onto his face.

I felt my face begin to redden and I look away. Andy just rubs the back of his neck and laughs. "I guess I really did. She has a killer personality too," he said making my face redden more. Then I was approached by Jinxx. "I'm sorry for C.C's blunt statement there. I guess that's just how he is," he said and I nod. He gave me a kind smile and I returned it. "Though I must say, he's quite right about you,"

I look away again and feel the blush coming back. Damn it why are they so nice and flattering? I'm just a stranger anyways. I look back to see the remaining two I have yet to talk to and they weren't there. What? Did they already get bored of me? I mean, I know I'm a bit shy, but I hope they don't resent me already. "Hey, where did Jake and Ashley go?" I asked Jinxx quietly. He looked behind him just to be sure.

"It seems they slipped away while I was talking. They probably went to get some food since Jake is always hungry so Ashley probably went with him to keep him out of trouble," he said. Then he turned to Andy and hit his head. Andy turned to him with a little glare.

"What was that for?!" He asked still glaring.

"You let Jake and Ashley slip out without speaking to Sapphire!" Jinxx said firing back.

"Its not my fault! They're two grown men who can do what they want! I'm not a babysitter! Plus it's not my fault C.C. wouldn't stop distracting me," Andy said folding his arms over his chest. I just watch the two, amused by their antics.

"Do you really believe that?" Jinxx asked giving him a knowing look. Andy sighed, seeming to think of something tiring.

"You're right. I'll go get them. Better now before they break something," Andy said heading towards the door, stopping before closing it. "By the way Sapphire, you don't need to answer any of C.C's weird questions because I know he'll ask you some," and he left.

So while I wait for him to come back with the other two, apparently troublesome members, I chat with Jinxx about trivial things. It was pleasant and he had a very inviting feel to him. It was nice. C.C., on the other hand, asked me some questions like if I've "done it" with Andy already. Geez that's invasive. But I politely told him no and that's weird to ask, then just changed the subject so things don't get too awkward. About roughly 10 minutes passed before the door finally opened to reveal a pissed off Andy, a not caring Ashley, and a pouting Jake. This should be good.

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