Chapter 7 - Broken Glass

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~Roughly 10 minutes earlier in flashback form~

Andy's P.O.V.

'Where the hell are they?' I thought as I walk down one of the hallways of the hospital. I figured that Jake would've dragged Ashley to the Cafeteria to get food, so I'm on that floor. At least I think I am. I might have read the sign next to the elevator wrong. I don't think sleeping babies would be on the same floor as the Cafeteria. God, I'm hopeless.

I start to chew on my lip ring in frustration as I try to go back the way I came, but get lost. 'Damn it. If I take too long Sapphire will worry," I started to get irritated. I'm very surprised that I haven't run into any doctors yet. Like what the hell? Is there really not that much to do in the maternity ward? Is that what it's called?

"Ashley! Look at this one! It's so cute!" A loud voice said from down the hallway. Obviously, it was Jake. I can recognize that voice anywhere. Plus, he did say Ashley's name, so put two and two together. Walking faster down the cutely decorated hallway, I immediately find the two that went missing. They had their backs towards me, Jake looking excited at the newborns while Ashley looked on clearly bored. Having not seen me yet, I leaned back on the wall opposite to them, arms crossed.

Jake sighed and backed away from the glass a bit. "Ashley, maybe we shouldn't have left like that. It's kinda rude," Ashley just scoffed and put his forehead against the glass, closing his eyes, "I'm not all that interested in meeting some random girl. She has nothing to do with me so I don't give a damn," He said with an edge to his voice. Damn, way to give Sapphire a warm fucking welcome you douche.

"Besides, Andy's clearly interested in that girl. She's pretty, but too innocent. I'd ruin her pure mind," Ashley said, his smirk visible in the reflection in the glass. I guess that kind of made up for what he said? I decided to come out of my silent ninja mode and walked up behind Jake, putting my hand on his shoulder, "Hey Jak-,"

I got cut off with a hard slap followed by glass breaking and his girly scream. I staggered backwards and rubbed my cheek. Damn he can bitch slap. I look up to see that I apparently scared him so bad that he jumped back into the glass. Ashley look surprised as well, if not embarrassed that I heard what he said. To make things all the more worse, most of the babies started crying pretty loudly.

"What the hell Jake?!" I say a lot more irritated then before. He looked up in panic, but calmed down once he saw it was just me. Then he got up like it was nothing and shook glass off his clothes and hair. In other words, he ignored me. "Hellooo?! Don't ignore me!" I say a little more angrily.

Ashley rubbed the back of his head and chuckled a bit, "Well that happened,"

I shot a glare at him and he stopped chuckling and looked away. I put a hand on my forehead and, as calmly as I could, said, "What were the hell are you guys even doing in the maternity ward besides breaking fucking glass?" Some obvious venom slipped through my voice as I spoke. The loud crying isn't exactly helping my composure.

Jake visibly flinched at my tone, but spoke up anyways. "We thought the Cafeteria was on this floor, but it obviously wasn't after walking around for a bit. When we tried to find our way back to the elevator, we got lost and couldn't find any doctors," he said a little embarrassed. Ashley shrugged and leaned up against a wall away from the glass. I looked at him in frustration and he shrugged again, "I didn't do anything, so what's that look for?" he said smirking.

"That's not the only reason why I'm pissed you idiot. You guys left not even 5 minutes after seeing Sapphire! She didn't even get a chance to get a word in to you guys! That's beyond a dick move," I say angrily. Then several running footsteps coming our direction interrupting my scolding. Saved by the bell. Well, sort of.

The doctors and nurses arrived at the scene and was shocked to see 3 emo/gothic guys surrounded by broken glass and crying babies. Their worry instantly turns into one of panic and caution. I put my hands up as to not alarm them further, "Hey! Before you think the worst, this was a complete accident! We meant no harm!" I say hopping that they won't think we're kidnappers.

~Back at Sapphire's hospital room~

~Also end of flashback~

"And that's how I now have to go talk to security and tell them this entire story, and pay for the glass replacement," I say a lot more calm. When telling Sapphire the story, I left things out like what Jake and Ashley talked about and my scolding. That's kinda a little weird and doesn't need to be mentioned. Sapphire gave me a worried expression.

"Will everything be okay? And did you get harmed Jake?" She asked concerned, unconsciously reaching her hand for mine to comfort me. I smile a little and pat her head. She looked at me confused as she always does when I pet her head. I just love that expression. "Yeah, of course it will. Don't worry about it," I say a hint of confidence.

Then I gesture towards Jake. Who, unnecessarily, struck a pose, "And he somehow made it out of that without a scratch! Like what the hell!" I say with a little amusement, not as angry about the whole ordeal as before. She giggled at my comment and sighed, "At least no one was hurt, that all that matters,"

"Well what matters now is that they finally introduce themselves properly!" I say looking at Ashley and Jake practically ordering them with my words.

Jake immediately jumped forward and put his hand out. "Hi! I'm Jake! It's very nice to meet you Sapphire!" He said enthusiastically shaking her hand. To everyone else, it looked like her whole arm was wabbling around.

Sapphire was a little shocked by such a direct, loud approach, but soon smiled warmly at his enthusiasm. "It's very nice to meet you too Jake!" she replied happily.

Next, was Ashley. He came up to her but offered her no hand. "I'm Ashley, but I'm sure you already knew that. I heard you are a bit of a fan from Andy," He said and smirked in my direction. "He talks about you ALL the time," he finishes. My face immediately flushes and I chuckled a little nervously not meeting Sapphire's eyes. Goddamn it Ashley. This must be revenge for yelling at him. "W-well not all the time. I may have mentioned you to them a few times,"

I look at her to see her face is flushed as well, but she held a small, happy smile, "It's nice to know that you're thinking about me. In a positive way I hope," She said. "Of course! There's not a single thing about you that's bad!" I say flashing one of my famous smiles. Almost thankful she didn't respond negatively.

Her face darkens and she looks down at he sheets, "Thank you...," She says quietly, and might I add, adorably. Then she lifts her head back up to give me a small smile.

For a moment, I admire the features that graces her so beautifully. Her long, black, slightly wavy hair that sweeps to the side so effortlessly. Her beautiful gray eyes that held so much compassion and concern. The long dark eyelashes that was so complimentary to those gray eyes. Her lips that held a slight pale pink that looked so soft. The freckles that dotted her face here and there that wasn't very noticeable at first glance. The almost fixed innocent expression that made her so adorable. The slightly tan skin that wasn't perfect, but nonetheless, pulled everything together. She's so beautiful. So effortlessly beautiful...

Jinxx coughed loudly, Snapping me and Sapphire out of our little world, "Do you guys need some time alone? We can leave," Jinxx said a little awkwardly. My face immediately flushed, but I acted like that whole thing didn't just happen.

"No not at all. I do still have to go to the security office after all. There's an officer waiting outside the door to escort me, and to make sure I don't run," I said standing up and chuckling. before I could walk away, Sapphire grabbed my shirt, holding me in place.

"Why did you come back in the first place? Wouldn't they normally have took you to the security office in the first place?" She asked with a confused look.

"Normally, yeah. But I needed my wallet, and to explain to you what's going on so I don't have you thinking that I'm skipping out on you," I say.

"Oh, that makes sense. Will you visit me another time?" She asked hopefully. I reached out for her head. Instead of petting her head like I usually would, I ruffled it.

"You know it!" I say, almost as if it was a promise.

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