Time for a Break!

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Your P.O.V:

It's been a few months since last time. The first term of high school is almost over, then I'm finally on break. Today is the last day until break.

// Epic sigh of relief of epicness. //

"Y/N-chan!" Kisumi ran up to me, grinning like his usual self. "Today's the last day until break! We can spend all the time we want together!" He said cheerfully as I walked down the street to the sidewalk that lead to my school.

"Yep. I'm pretty excited." I smiled back at him, a little blush added to my cheeks.

"So, I've been thinking of what to get you for our third-month anniversary, Y/N..." He said, with a sly grin.

"Don't tell me," I laughed, nudging his arm with my elbow.

"Alright, alright." He laughed with me, and rubbed his arm slightly where I nudged him.

I walked inside the school doors, heading to my homeroom.

I saw Rei in his seat, reading a book.

I tip-toed towards him, poking his shoulder which made him jump and screech. "What the-- Oh. Y/N! Don't do that. I'm trying to read a beautiful story here and I can't be disturbed at the very moment." He laid his eyes back onto the book, ignoring my presence.

"Okay?" I questioned, walking over to my seat and plopping down. I took out a small notebook, writing some notes in. It was basically my diary.

The page I wrote in read:

July 19th, 2015.

Just a day before a two to three week break. Plus, it's almost Kisumi and I's third-month anniversary. I'm excited.

Walking into my homeroom class, I just saw a bunch of kids chattering and playing around. I also saw one of the Iwatobi Swim Team's members, Ryugazaki Rei, reading a book about butterflies or something. I scared him and he screeched like a eagle. He said he was reading a "beautiful" book and couldn't be disturbed.

I closed my small diary and saw the teacher walk in, announcing some news.

"Today, it's a early dismissal, till, 1:30. We have one test in each class, so be prepared." She said, making me gulp and shake with fear.

Crap. I didn't study AT ALL. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna fail, right? Right?

The teacher passed out a piece of paper, which was the test for my homeroom class. I sighed and grabbed my pencil out of my pencil box, inserting my name at the top of the paper and looking at the first question.


I finished the test.


The teacher grabbed our finished test papers from our desks and walked back to her desk, telling us to wait patiently for the bell to ring for the next class.

The bell rang, and I jolted up from my desk and ran out of my homeroom, to my next class which was Math class.

I sat down in my chair, and awaited for the test to be brought to me.

The teacher finally gave us the test, and I grabbed my pencil and wrote down my name quickly, and advanced on to the questions.

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