Chapter One

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"Make sure you smile honey, people will like you if you smile." Katherine's mother said fussing over her white blouse. "And don't forget to lock your apartment every time you leave it. Don't go on dates with a man you just met. Don't leave your laundry in the washer too long or it will stink. Don't forget to-"

"Mom! Mom I'm 23 years old, I can take care of myself." Katherine said glancing around nervously as people were starting to stare at them.

"I know honey." Lucile Pulitzer said her eyes filling with tears. Katherine grabbed her mother and pulled her into a hug. Katherine's father, Joseph Pulitzer stood back a few feet awkwardly watching them as they embraced. Katherine hadn't ever been close with her father but looking at him over her mothers shoulder made her realize how much she was gonna miss him.

"I promise I'll be safe." Katherine said trying to reassure her mother. Lucile nodded and pulled away from her youngest child.

"Joe, do you have something to tell Katherine?" Lucile said. Pulitzer cleared his throat and straightened up.

"Be safe, don't go messing around. Remember who you are, and make lots of money." He said clearing his throat again. Lucile hit her husband on the arm and shot him a glare.

"What your father means is have a good time." Lucile said.

"I will."

Just then a girly voice broke through the busy voices of the airport calling Katherine's flight to board.

"That's me." She said picking up her suit case and giving her mother another hug, she managed to give her father an awkward one armsd hug before turning back to her mother.

"Call me when you land?" Lucile asked hopefully her brown eyes full of tears.

"You bet." Katherine promised and started backing up from them. "I'll send you a post card of Australia! I promise I'll learn lots!" She called still walking backwards. She watcher her mother burst into tears as she waved once more and rounded the corner to head to her flight.

To be honest Katherine was a little sad to say good bye to her mother, after all she was going to be gone for six whole months. But part of Katherine was ecstatic to be leaving New York, even if it was just for work. So what if she had to be in boring meetings all day? So what if all she saw of Australia was cramped meeting rooms and busy work rooms?

She was getting out of New York again.


AUTHORS NOTE: What do I do when I have no inspiration for my other stories? Start a new one. Yup, that's me. Anyway, your thoughts on this story? Also, I may need someone to make a cover for me but not yet. You all may want to see where I'm taking this story before you make me a cover. Just keep that in mind. Thank you.

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