Chapter Thriteen

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Another week passes and Jack is still distant an hardly talks to any one. It seemed Jack really had forgotten about kissing her and Katherine wasn't sure how that made her feel. It wasn't awkward between them but she could defiantly feel a wall, he'd also stopped flirting with her which surprisingly made her sad. Her emotions were so jumbled up about Jack she could hardly stand to sit next to him or couldn't get close enough to him, of course Jack was completely obvious to this. After he'd stopped spending 24 hours at Crutchies grave she thought she might be able to talk to him about the kiss but she didn't want to interfere. Her emotions don't go completely unnoticed though, one afternoon her and Clara were washing their hair in the waterfall why David and Jack were cutting grass to help start fires Katherine couldn't stop starring at Jack. His (still) bare chest gleamed with sweat as they pulled the grass from the ground and threw it into a pile that was getting taller by the minute.

"Why don't you go talk to him." Clara said suddenly ringing out her dripping blonde hair.

"Huh?" Katherine asked doing the same.

"Jack, go talk to him. You keep looking at him like he's the best thing in the world." Clara said glancing over at him.

Katherine blushed scarlet "I am not starring at him like that." She then realized her words and backtracked "I'm not starring at all!"

"Denial does nothing to me sweetheart." Clara said smugly her baby blue eyes sparkling.

"I'm not denying anything." Katherine objected feeling the lie show on her face.

"Awe come on Kath, even David can see it. Something happened between you two huh? What was it?" She said flipping her hair upside down to let it dry. Katherine bit her lip and pushed her wet hair out off her face. She decided she couldn't hide it from Clara any more, she needed to tell somebody.

"Well... he kissed me." Katherine said awkwardly. Clara flipped her hair back up and grinned at her, it seemed she was more excited about this than Katherine was.

"That's great! Why are you guys so distant then? I mean, is he a bad kisser? Was it awkward? Did-"

"No! No! He's a... fabulous kisser we just... didn't do it at the right time. We were both hurting and I think he felt bad for kissing me, he said we should forget it ever happened." Katherine said running her fingers her through her hair.

"We're you guys talking about Crutchie?" Clara asked ringing out her yellow skirt that had gotten wet from the waterfall. Katherine nodded and and adverted her eyes back to Jack across the creek. They had gathered up the grass and were beginning to take it back to the beach, Katherine stared after him until she could no longer see the plains of his back.

"Maybe I'm being stupid." Katherine said shaking her head and looking back to Clara. "He only kissed me because he was hurting about Crutchie, I shouldn't of-"

"Your not being stupid." Clara said cutting her off. "You just need to talk to him about it, he's still upset about Crutchie you know. Maybe you can help him out."

Katherine shrugged "Maybe, I'm just..."

"Nervous?" Clara guessed. "Don't be, he just needs someone to talk to."

Katherine guessed she was right but she wasn't sure if she was ready to talk to him again. What if he didn't want to talk to her? What if trying to talk to him pushed him further away from her? Ugh, she silently wished she sill had a stupid little crush on David to help forget about Jack.

They headed back down the path to the beach appreciating there now clean hair, Clara's hair was thin so it dried almost instantly but Katherine's was longer and thicker so it was still damp by the time they reached the camp. Jack and David were starting a new fire to make dinner with, the grass ignited instantly the moment Jack made a spark with two rocks.

"Impressive boys." Clara mused and sat down next to David on the ground. Davids black shirt was looking a little worse for wear with a tear in the side and half the sleeve singed from the plane crash. Clara's ripped dress some how looked amazing in the light of the now roaring fire and her blonde hair flowed around her face like some Greek goddess. Katherine had always been jealous of her looks but she felt it even more in that moment as she looked down at her once white shirt and comfy jeans. Her white blouse was still see through but it was now covered in stains and had faded into a more yellowish white, her black sweats had holes in them and were full of sand she could never get rid of. Her expensive converse had been so wore out she could see her toe poking through the top. What could she say? They had been stuck in the island for over a month. Oh what she would give for a hot shower right then. Then there was Jack with his messy black hair, tattered jeans and bare chest, she couldn't help but want to touch him.

She suddenly realized she was starring and quickly sat down away from the three not making it to obvious she was trying to be closer to Jack. She was positive he hadn't noticed but she wasn't so sure about David and Clara, she wondered idly how long they had been paying attention to her and Jack.

"Well ya guys have fun, I'm gonna go take a walk." Jack said getting to his feet. Katherine's head snapped up to watch him walk away.

"Okay." David says his eyes on Katherine, she watches longingly as he heads off down the beach. No doubt going to see Crutchies grave again for the second time that day.

"Katherine." Clara says getting her attention. "What are you waiting for? Go after him!"

"What why?" She asks confused. Clara rolls here's eyes and grabs the back bag from between the rocks and rummages through it.

"Here." She says and throws a tiny blue bottle at Katherine, she catches it and it makes a rattle as she dose so. "Breath mints, take one."

"Why?" She asked still not seeing her point. David is beside himself with sniggers and Clara has to roll her eyes again.

"Honestly Katherine, no wonder he didn't want to kiss you again." She said shaking her head.

"Oh I see why you- hey!" She said feelings a little offended. "That's not why-"

"I know Katherine now will you please go after him?!" Clara asks pointing after Jack.

Katherine had a sudden spur of courage as she popped the delicious mint into her mouth. She got to her feet feeling a little strange and unsure but motivated nevertheless.

With that she headed out after Jack.


AUTHORS NOTE: Short chapter but you got another update! Expect one more tonight sometime. Also I want to hear your guy's predictions on this story. Also, did any of you see the cover I made? How is it? I made it in less that three minutes but I guess it will do. Comment what you think! Thx

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