Chapter Fourteen

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Katherine's heart refused to stop racing as she approached Crutchies grave, to her surprise the small area was not occupied like usual by Jack. She tried not to be disappointed as she glanced around trying to find him, she saw his unmistakable foot prints heading off down the beach and she decided to take her chance and follow them. She tried to find her old whitty shelf as she headed up the beach searching for Jack, perhaps that would make things go back to normal.

Was that what she wanted? So go back to having Jack flirt with her and make suggestive comments? Or did she want something more than that? To be honest she had no clue what she wanted. She wished she had a lab top or even a old fashioned type writer to write what she wanted to tell him, she was so much better with words on paper then she was in real life.

Something caught her eye, or more accurately someone just ahead. Jack lay on the sand with his hands behind his head his eyes fixed on the horizon ahead as the sun stared to set. The light breeze blew his bangs out of his face to reveal his glassy blue eye that were an identical shade to the ocean in front of him. She didn't say anything as she walked over laid down next to him, he didn't make any outward sign of noticing her but she could tell by the way his eyes flickered briefly to her face the he knew she was there.

"Ya know..." Katherine ventured "If you laid any more still you could be a vampire."

To her surprise Jack actually laughed and it brought a smile to her lips.

"And if you were any prettier you'd be an Angel." He said a familiar smile growing across his features. Katherine feels herself relaxing, he's flirting with her.

That's always a good sign.

She props herself up on an elbow and sets her chin on her hand so she can stare at him. There's something wonderful about his crooked smile and inviting eyes that makes her want to lay there looking at him for the rest of forever. They smile at each other for a few more moments until something flickers across Jacks face and he turns his face away from her to look back out at the ocean. His eyes grow glassy again and his face has no expression as he lays there. Katherine forces herself to stay patient with him, after all she knows why he's being distant.

"Your thinking about Crutchie again aren't you." It wasn't a question.


His answer is empty and it shatters her heart, she wishes he would look at her again. Tentatively she reaches out a hand and touches his side, he doesn't seem to notice what she had done. She bits her lip and runs a hand up his chest scooting closer to him. Again, he doesn't seem to notice and she realizes it wasn't going to be as easy as she thought it would be. She hadn't been planning on doing this quite yet but what other choice did she have?

Using her other arm she swiftly rolled over until she could swing a leg over Jack and trap him between her legs. Her heart danced in her chest as she balanced on top of his hips and locked eyes with him, he seemed to focus a little more on her now that she was straddling him. She didn't stop his hands from gripping her hips and holding her in place. She could tell that had gotten his attention, but only just briefly. Already his eyes were going glassy again and she could almost see his thoughts slip back to his best friend.

"Jack." Katherine said running both hands along his chest now. "It's okay to hurt, but it's not okay to shut yourself up. I know for a fact Crutchie would want you to move on."

She leans over the top of him and his eyes focus on her again, the sound of Crutchies name seemed to of gotten more of his attention. Her heart leaps into her throat as his eyes move down her body, there was no going back now. Taking a deep breath she sits back up and clutches the hem of her shirt. She has a gut feeling this was going to work, after all she knew Jack is a lady's man so why not use that to her advantage? Her eyes lock with Jacks as she slowly pulls her shirt off over head, Jacks expression turns to suprise as she drops the material into a heap next to them. She now has his full attention, she can now feel the way his hands are creeping up her sides.

"I'm not asking you to forget about Crutchie." She says as she lets Jack look at her, his eyes wander from her chest to her eyes from her words. "I'm only asking you to remember the time you had with him on earth. Please don't remember him in his last moments, remember his friendly smile, and his happy personality. Don't be like my mother and spend half your life in misery. Crutchie wouldn't want that."

She leans over the top of him again and let's her hair fall down around her face like a dark curtain separating them from the rest of the world. Her eyes close as she feels his hands starting to move up again, at the last second he stops his hands hesitating under her breasts.

"Do ya think they got authors in heaven?" Jack asked suddenly. Katherine let out a breathy chuckle and grabbed his left hand and brought it to her lips.

"I know they do." She whispers and brings his hand down to press against her. A ghost of a smile flickers across his face as he runs his thumb across her black lace. She shivers as he does it again, she can physically feel the heat of his hands through her bra and it makes her want to melt.

"Youse so beautiful." He mused his smile returning fully to his attractive features. "And youse is right, Crutchie would want me to be happy I miss him but... if letting go means being happy then... so be it. I've been blind not seeing what was right in front of me, ya so much more than a pretty face." Jack said grinning at her.

Katherine grinned back and leaned over the top of him again and placed a small kiss to his lips. Her whole body relaxed over him as she let his words sink in, finally he was listening to her. It felt so good to know she had helped him.

It was now his turn to shutter as her hands came up to wind in his hair again as she pressed her lips to his with more force. She felt him smile into the kiss and felt one of his hands leave her chest to hook around her waist. Before she knew it he had rolled them over so she was now on her back with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

And they continued blissfully on the sand as the sun sunk lower over the horizon.

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