Chapter Fifteen

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Katherine had never been good at communicating her feelings allowed, then again she'd never really had someone to tell her feelings too. Sure she had her family but they already knew she loved them so it wasn't like she had to say it allowed. The most she'd ever told someone about how she felt was her best friend Darcy back in New York, and even then it wasn't that kind of love, it was more brotherly. So how did she tell Jack about this new explosion that had happened in her chest?

As her and Jack walked back to the camp hand-in-hand her head swam with what had just been happening for the last hour and a half. It was now completely dark and the two only had the light of the full moon to guide them back to Clara and David. To be honest Katherine didn't want to go back to Clara and David because she knew as soon as they got back Clara would pull her aside and bombard her with questions, and... Katherine wasn't to sure if she wanted to tell Clara just yet.

She didn't want to tell anybody really.

"Jack?" She asked breaking the comfortable silence that has settled between them.


"Can we... not go back yet? I mean we can if you want, I just don't want to go back yet." She was taking in a rush and feeling stupid. "But if you want to then we can go back, it's up to you if-"

He cut her off by cupping the side of her face and kissing her sweetly. Katherine felt like he whole body would of collapse under her if Jack hadn't put his arm around her.

"I'se didn't really want to go back either." Jack said pulling away. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around him and held him as close as possible without running him over. He hooked an arm under her and suddenly she was being swept off her feet and carried toward the jungle.

"Jack, I am capable of walking." She said laughing as he set her down on a fallen tree. He only smirked at her and kissed her again running his hand up her leg and hooking it around his waist.

"Thank you." He said breathlessly as he pulled away. "For... keeping me sane, I know if it weren't for you I'se would still be back there... lost forever."

Katherine had no power over the blush that crept onto her cheeks as she adverted her eyes to his collar bone.

"I'm just glad I could actually get something through that thick head of yours." She muttered a small smile flickering across her face.

Jack smirked "It ain't hard ta pay close attention when a girl takes off her shirt for you." He whispered coming closer to her. She's blushing again and she's thankful for the darkness so Jack can't see it.

"Mmmhm I'm sure, don't get use to it." Katherine says pushing him away lightly.

"Oh they're will be a next time." He promises pulling her against him.

"Oh really? What makes you think so?"

"They way youse been kissin' me." He says then kisses her roughly. She kisses him back just as fiercely and resists the urge to dig her nails into his flesh.

She wasn't sure how long they had been kissing but all she knew were Jacks hands had gotten friendly and she was dangerously close to taking her shirt off again. It wasn't until they heard there names being called did Jack jump away from her almost causing her to topple over backwards and fall into a baby palm, luckily Katherine has fairly good balance and a firm grip or she would of gotten to know that palm pretty good.

"There you guys are! We've been looking every where for you two!" Davey shouted from a few yards away. Clara was trailing behind him looking a little annoyed.

"He was looking for you every where." She correct folding her arms.

"Thanks for nothing." Jack muttered so only Katherine could hear, she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

"At least tell a fellow where your gonna be next time." David says as he stood next to Jack. Clara shoot Katherine a look that said 'I'm sorry but he wouldn't listen' and it makes her laugh again.

"Dude, it ain't like we're gonna get lost out here." Jack says defensively.

"Maybe not but something could of happened." David says shaking his head. "Remember the last time you ran off with out telling someone?"

"But I did tell ya where I'se was goin' besides, I had Katherine with me." Jack says giving her a wink. She hides her blush and is actually surprised by the fact he used her real name. David gives him an exasperated look and turns to Katherine.

"Just keep him in line okay? Last time he ran off he vandalized some rich dudes office and almost got killed by the man himself." David said and Katherine had to laugh at how distressed he seemed. Apparently the memory was painful to him but amusing to Jack because his ocean eyes lit up at the memory.

"Youse should a seen it Katherine, the guy was so upset he threw a stapler at me." Jack said his smile lighting up his face.

Katherine smiled but the thought pulled at something in her head, a distant memory that seemed so familiar yet... impossible.

"I still can't see how you think that's funny. It did no good what so ever!" David said rubbing his face as if he was completely and utterly done with Jack.

Jacks expression turns from amusement to seriousness in a fraction of a second, it was as if someone had just insulated him.

"Did no good? Seriously Dave? It did good for everyone, even that rich bastard who thinks he owns the world!" Jack said his voice dead serious.

"But Jack," David says clutching his shoulder. "He does own the World, he's the richest man in New York."

Katherine gasps and clutches her chest feeling realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Everyone turned to look at her there expressions confused by her out burst.

"Did you just say... the World?" Katherine asks struggling to say the words. David and Jack nod looking at her like she's crazy. "Jack, w-what did you write on the walls of that mans office?"

"How did you know it was the walls?" He asks his sharp law line tightening. Katherine shakes her head trying to clear it, there's no way, no way at all, can it really be...?

"What did you write?" She asked again her voice shaking. Something inside of her has caught fire and she can't tell what it is. Anger? Hope? Rebelliousness? No way it could be possible...

Jack takes a deep calming breath before answering, it's as if the words are hard to say allowed.

"Some people are starving Joe. What are you doing about it?"


AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry it took me so long to update, I have weird updating schedules... Anyway, tell me what you predict!! I own nothing but the idea of this story. Thx

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