Chapter Eight

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Despite having an endless supply of coconut Katherine was starving. One could only eat so much of the fruit before it turned to rubber in your mouth. To make matters worse their new found friend Clara wasn't doing very good on just coconuts, her head had stopped bleeding and all her color had returned but she was still weak and sickly. David had been by her side constantly checking her ankle and making sure her head wasn't bleeding, he kept Katherine and Jack running back for more water from the waterfall claiming her cut needed "cleaning" Katherine wouldn't of complained so much if it wasn't so far way and she didn't have to be accompanied by Jack. He was relentless at his attempt to get between her legs she could of sworn she'd heard every dirty pick up line in the book, it was almost amusing to watch him fluster when she was around. Over the next few days she found herself unable to keep her shirt dry, just for the sake of his sanity. It was evil but it gave Katherine something to distract her from the restless nights sleeping on sand. It was bad enough sleeping in her own bed but when she was surrounded by other people in a strange land with strange creatures it made rest virtually impossible. Of course her and Jack being the less injured ones of the bunch had been put in charge of trying to make a makeshift shelter, they'd succeeded in building a fire (which Katherine was very proud of) and matts for every one to sleep on (which Jack was proud of) There mayor dilemma was trying to build something over head, they had no where to connect it to. Katherine had suggested moving the crew to the waterfall but David had quickly dismissed it by telling her if any ships or planes flew by they would have a better chance of seeing them if they were out in the open. So there she and Jack were lying in the sand and "thinking" about what they could try and build.

"Ya know, this would be a whole lot easier if I could just paint a shelter over all of our heads." Jack said folding his hands behind his head and looking up at the many stars that hung far above.

"You paint?" Katherine asked surprised by the fact he had other talents then looking attractive and flirting with people. Of course David had told her he was an artist but the fact had never occurred to her until just now.

"And draw." Jack said his voice full of longing. "What I wouldn't give to have a pencil and a piece of paper right now."

Katherine turned her head so she could see his face, there was a far away look on his face as if he was daydreaming. The glow from the fire a few feet away lit up the side of his face and threw soft shadows across his jaw, she couldn't help but smile. She liked this Jack, the one who dreamed of things, the one who was awesome enough to give Crutchie a piggy back ride.

"What do you draw?" Katherine found herself asking.

Jack shrugged "Anything and everything, mostly pretty places or people I care about." He said turning his face so she could look into his blue eyes.

"What kind of places?" She asked.

"Ever heard of Santa Fe?" He asked pushing back a piece of black hair that had fallen into his eyes.


"Oh, well it's dis place my old man used ta talk about. Back before he got arrested..." Jack trailed off and Katherine sensed that was a sore subject for him. "Anyway, he had these pictures and he used to say 'hey kid, see that? That's Santa Fe, there's no hunger or poverty or rich bastards out there, there's no one to tell you what to do.' He was probably a crazy old man but I believed him and started painting that place. I still dream about goin' there some day, even after all these years."

Katherine pondered his words for a minute, clearly there was something more to Jack than good looks and good words. Under the thick layers of that annoying cocky boy she could see his true self shining through.

"Your a dreamer aren't you?" Katherine asked softly.

"Ain't everyone at some point in there life?" Jack asked seriously. Katherine thought about that, ever since she was little she's wanted to make a difference in the world. She'd always dream about writing things that would change people's mind in one sentence.

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