Chapter Two

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Katherine had always loved planes. Ever since she was little she'd loved going on family trips just so she could be in an air plane. She loved the feeling of flying, even if it was in the artificial way it was. It also helped that the plane was small and held a limited number of passengers, about only ten people tops including the pilots. Another thing that was nice about flying was the view, Katherine loved looking out and seeing the ocean thousands of feet away. It was a breath taking sight seeing the blue water far, far below, she would never get used to it.

"Excuse me may I sit next to you?" A voice asked Katherine. She peeled her eyes away from the ocean to look at who had spoken. He was a taller guy with short dark hair and hazel eyes.

"Of course." Katherine said folding her legs under neath her as he sat down.

"Thank you." They guy said and sat down next to her. He wore a black button up shirt and dark dress pants and freshly shined shoes, he looked like he was ready to go to a business arrangement. "I'm David by the way." He said stretching out his hand to her.

"Nice to meet you David I'm Katherine." She said shaking his hand firmly. "So... why are you heading to Australia?" Katherine ventured hoping to make conversation with this guy.

"Oh I'm mostly coming for moral support." He said shrugging. "My buddy over there has this big art thing or whatever going on and he couldn't come with out me." David said gesturing to a guy sitting across from Katherine and to the right a little with his feet dangling off the side of his seat. He seemed to be throughly engaged in something that Katherine couldn't see, she sat up straighter in her seat to try and see his face but all she got was messy dark hair. She didn't want to be too obvious so she sunk back into her seat and turned back to David.

"Oh, so your just coming to be with him...? Are you two... ya know..." Katherine said gesturing between the two of them. David just laughed which surprised Katherine.

"Why dose everyone assume that these days? Can't a guy have a best friend?" David asked still chuckling.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Katherine said frantically hoping she hadn't offended him.

"Oh don't be sorry Katherine it's an honest mistake, it happens more than you think."


"Yea, it's kind of a joke between us so don't feel bad." David said. Katherine felt relieved at his words and found it easier to relax.

"Well good." She said smiling at him. "So what are you going to do while your there?" For some reason she wanted to keep talking to this guy.

"I dunno really, I'll probably ditch Jack and go check out the Sidney Opera House because I'm a nerd like that." David said leaning back in his seat. Katherine guessed the guy sitting across from them a few feet away was Jack.

"The Opera House is very unique." Katherine agreed, she liked how smart this guy was. He really was a nerd and it was cute in a dorky kind of way.

"So what about you? What are you gonna do?" David asked.

"Well Im gonna go to school half the time and work the other so I guess you could say I'm not doing much." She said sounding boring even to herself.

"Going to school for what?"

"Journalism, reporting, being an author... I haven't decided yet." Katherine said biting her lips.

"An author? Crutchie wants to be an author." David said offhandedly.

"Who's Crutchie?" Katherine asked confused by the strange name. David pointed to cute boy sitting next to a blonde woman holding a crutch in his lap. He was smiling for no apparent reason and looked like the happiest man on earth.

"That's not his real name it's just what Jack nicknamed him so it kinda stuck. He's kinda like me, Jack can't live with out us apparently." David said rolling his eyes as if the thought was ridiculous. Katherine laughed and leaned closer to him.

"Why does he need a crutch?" Katherine asked hopping she wasn't getting to personal.

"He broke it when he was a kid and it grew back the wrong way so he's stuck with a crutch." David said. "He's a very substantial guy I'll give him that."

Katherine laughed at his choice of words, it sounded like something she would say.

"Substantial is proficient." Katherine said a hint of a challenge in her voice.

"Substantial is adequate." David said accepting the challenge.

"Substantial is recherché." She said smugly.

David blinked. "Okay you win."

They laughed and continued to talk for a while. Katherine found it easy to talk to David, after about thirty minutes Katherine felt as if she'd known him her whole life. He was very smart too, she found herself trying to keep up with everything he knew about law and mathematics. Apparently he'd just graduated with a degree in law and had just landed his first job as a lawyer. Katherine purposefully tried to keep the conversation away from her, she hated telling people who her father was. It wasn't easy being the daughter of the richest man in New York, everyone always assumed you were just like all the stereotypes people saw on TV. Katherine hoped her easy white blouse and black sweat pants would make people think she was just like every body else, for the most part it worked. In fact she would of stayed looking like a normal person for the rest of the trip if the jerk hadn't spilled paint all over her.

She'd excused herself from David to go used the bathroom when she'd walked past the Jack guy and accidentally knocked something over. That something happened to be blue paint that splattered all over her white blouse.

"Hey watch where ya goin'!" They guy said sitting up in his seat and taking the sheet of paper away from his face. Katherine noticed he had a thick New York accent.

"Well maybe next time don't leave your stupid paint in the middle of the isle!" Katherine snapped back wiping paint away from her favorite shirt.

"Maybe next time keep ya little- hey wait, don't I know youse?" The guy asked swinging his legs out of the isle to sit up properly. Katherine was taken aback by the strange question that had nothing to do with the currant situation.

"No." Katherine said shortly fairly certain she had never once met this guy before. A smile was starting to play on his lips and the smile unnerved Katherine, it was like he was planning something she didn't know about.

"You look really familiar." He said standing up, Katherine noted that he was a few inches taller than her. He wore a blue cotton t-shirt that fit nicely against his firm chest, he also wore light blue jeans that looked worn out. His entire appearance was causal and he looked ready to go on a date.

"Sorry, I don't know you." She said walking away from him and up the isle toward the back of the plane. He followed her immediately and it reminded Katherine of an eager puppy waiting to be fed.

She sighed as she saw there was a line outside the bathroom, so much for a quick get away. The blonde girl that had been sitting next to Crutchie smile sweetly at her as she stood behind her. She smiled back and turned away from this Jack guy.

This was going to be a long line.

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