Paternal Complications

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It had taken them way too long to get over to the tree on goat island, only to find out that the real buried treasure was Denmark's wife.

But after Limbrey and her goons had disappeared, they had approached the tree.

JJ had climbed up a top the twinkie and stuck his arm inside a hole in the tree, pulling out a telescope.

On the telescope had been words describing exactly where the cross was located. Freedmans altar.

So now the Pogues were excitedly on their way to the church.

But of course, nothing could go their way, so they had to stop due to the tide being higher. The road was flooded.

But then John B was booking it across, and the Twinkie was swerving, and then they were all standing in water up to their knees.

Their only solution to not leave the Twinkie behind before the tide came up entirely was to get Kie's fathers truck.

And so Kiara, JJ and Cory were on their way to the house, running by foot.

JJ and Cory had then hidden outside of the Carrera house while Kie snuck in to grab the truck keys.

Not long after, JJ had pulled the truck up to the Chateau, informing the girls to wait in the car while he grabbed a wench for the Twinkie.

And only a minute later, Kie was in the driver's seat, honking the horn at the boy for taking too long.

But when he turned the corner of the surf shack, none other than Luke Maybank was in front of him.

Cory's face turned up in anger. If there was anyone who hated that man more than JJ, it was Cory.

She hopped out of shotgun, walking around the truck.

"Nope," she snapped. "Immediately no."

JJ approached her, informing his father to climb into the backseat.

"JJ, the Twinkie is sinking right now," Kiara began to argue.

JJ gave her a look before pulling Cory to the side.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Cory asked.

"Listen to me," JJ said suddenly, placing his hands on the sides of Cory's arms. "Just listen to me. I need to get into the marina at the island club. There's a boat there that he can take."

Cory rolled her eyes, briefly glancing back at Kie.

"The sticker is on this truck," JJ continued. "Twenty minutes is all I need."
JJ turned to go around to the back seat, but Cory stopped him.

She lowered her voice. "JJ, if that man makes one comment, I will not hesitate, you hear me?"

JJ sighed, but nodded.

"I know, Core," he sighed.

As he turned to go around the truck, he placed his hand on her cheek sweetly.

Cory rolled her eyes, but turned to climb into shotgun.

And after a horrendously silent car ride, they were pulling up to Home Goods.

"Crackers and baked beans and tuna, alright?" Luke ordered as JJ climbed out of the car. "And some salt and pepper."

"Yeah," JJ confirmed as he walked away.

"Five days' worth," Luke finished. Then, he turned to the girls in the front seats. "Kiara, maybe you oughta go with him. It'll be faster."

Kie rolled her eyes, glancing at Cory. She nodded in support. Then, Kie was slowly climbing out of the truck and following after JJ into the store.

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