How sad this lifetime is. How sad it was not to have an older brother to lean on when everything feels heavy. How sad it is to feel lonely all the time. How sad it is to have dreams I can't even reach. How sad it is that in this lifetime, I couldn't become a film director. How sad it is not to have my dream job. How sad it is not to be in my dream school. How sad it is not to have the ideal status I want. How sad it is not to have friends I could call best friends. How sad it is not to have a home friend, someone you could always run to and be vulnerable with, without judgment. How sad it is no longer to be the academic achiever I once was. How sad it is that we can no longer go back to the days when everything was fine. How sad it is to feel that I'm no longer safe and accepted in the environment I once grew up in.
How sad it is always to be breathing but barely living. How sad it is that we can't always have what we want in this lifetime. How sad.