Chapter 21 : Suprise...Successor

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Meand Jade watched Jude and Francis play in the water as it a as bath time . I was currently daydreaming Rick had made Daryl and Me the leader over the sancturary but I told hi that I was occupied with Jade and the kids . Me and Jade were an working process that would take time.

.....4 months later....

Siddiq , Scarlett, and a few other doctors were preparing for delivery Maggie had given birth an month ago to Little Hershal and it was me and Jade's time . Jad was laying in the while everyone were making her comfortable . Rick and Michonne were comforting her . Rosita yook her placed at the bottom of the bed." Okay make sur she's ready to push."

Rick guides me out of the room." Alright we need to give them room." I panic ." But she needs me." Rick smiles." She's gonna be fine Jade knew would worry that's why she told me to keep you out of the Delivery room ."
I nod as I run my hand through my hair . "Fine I'll stay out here ."

Rick pats me on the back as he walks back in . I pace around and then I sat soon Rick and Michonne came out. They were holding two babies. I got scared." Is she okay." Michonne smiles." Yeah she's resting ." I look at the two babies ." Rick smiles." A boy and an Girl."

I tear up as I hold them to my chest I wanted to hold them for the rest of their lives and not let go they were beings that me and Jade brought in to the world. Siddiq comes out." Jade she's asking for you ." I me and Siddiq bring the babies back im the room Jade is sitting up and she smiles." Fergus they're our...babies we created life ." I smile as I watched hold our children in her arms . She kisses my cheek." Thanks for makiing me an Mom."

I smile." Thanks for giving me an family ." We sit there looking at our children they coo in our arms. Soon Rick bring frannie as he looks at his little sibling I bring him into my arms." Their you little brother and sister you know what that means kiddo?" He looks up at me ." I'm there big brother and I have to protect them."

I nod." Yep when I'm not around ,you protect your Mama,and siblings okay?" He nods. Okay Daddy." I hug my family as Laura walks in." Fergus ..he's wants you ." I look at Jade she nods." Go see him." I get up and walk befor I knew I stood out of the basement door Rick in tow." No, stay out here I can do this on my own."


I walk down stairs as I do I faint memories paly in my mind like I was a kid again when I hear mom bitching at Dad for using all the money on video games ,when Allison and I would argue and he would escape to the basement. Soon I was there Scarlett sat in an chair with my new little Sister ...Carla in hand.

She looked and got to hug me ." Congrates you now have three kids and you're just 18 ." I laugh." It's gonna be like I'm growing along side my kids ." A hear an voice that I have'nt for months. "I'm proud of ya." I turn to look. At Negan...My Dad his bear had grown out and his all shaggy .

He looks at me with the same brown eyes as mine but mine were full of life while his were empty

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He looks at me with the same brown eyes as mine but mine were full of life while his were empty." Dad...I mean Negan how you've been?" He giggled trying to fake the depressive he's in ." I've been better...Rick told me Jade gave birth." I nod." Yea , actually I was going to bring them down to see you.

He looked suprised." Really?" I nod." They carry you last name you're paternal Grandfather I'm not going to not let you see them ." Negan looks at me." But there's an catch." He could read me like an book after all this time he knew when I had more news to say."

Yeah...Me and Jade agreed that after today the only way you'll see them is through that window watching them grow Allison she's gonna have kids one day she might let you see them but me...I'm not letting my boys see you through bars."

Negan did'nt angry or furious he looked broken and sad." You're gonna do that to them ?" I breath out." I did'nt want you to end up like this what boy or Man wants to see there father their hero in jail I sure as hell don't ." He nods." Can I have one request ?" I turn ." What?" He says some thing that made do hard resatr of my brain ." Lead the saviors."

I scoffed . "No." I glare." I knew there was an catch never change old man." He after me as I walk away." DAMN IT KENDALL GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE I'M STILL YOUR FATHER." I stopped. " that trick get old ." Negan responds." Please there are that are bad but some who are good they  want an leader that will look after them." I sign." Daryl is doing an good job ."

Negan shakes his head." Those assholes aren't gonna respect him long if knew it was an stinch of me there they will listen." I think for an second before I sign." Tell me  more."

......1 month later .....

" Alright you assholes let's get onething straight I am not Negan ther will be no bowing ,kneeling I mean come on did'nt fight an whole revolution because we did'nt want to bend to one man ." One guy raises his hand ." I point." What's you name sir?" He responds." Russell." I nod.

"So we're gonna be building an bridge soon so...prepare for that until we will be helping rebuild Alexandria because you lot decided you wanted to play Star Wars and pretend that Alexandria was alderaan and you were the empire ."

Justin one guy that I knew was gonna be an pronlem." I can follow you you're Negan ...but Daryl hell no." I glare." Hell no what he says it's an order new rule any you step out line or so much look like you're gonna rebel against me you are gonna be shot or hung by the until Dead...Dead... . DEAD"!!!

I smile as I walk up to Justin." So, tell pisspot ...You pissin your pants yet?" The man gulped as I stood in his face with the same scary look that Negan once gave my people.

Oh this is gonna be fun....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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