Chapter One

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No trigger warning relevant 
Authors Note:

Andy and Juliet aren't married in this fic, never got together even, I feel like I have to say that even though its a fic and Andy does really need to be unattached for a fic to work.

Okay we all know the masterpieces that are the 'Bleeders' music video and 'My Friends' but can we just forget they exist for a minute? Its because I wanted Andy and Lacy to meet like this. It's all for the plot. Great? Thanks.

Lacy Knight was an actor. Though, her strengths lay not in film acting but voice work. In her career she enjoyed voicing intros to songs and albums, music video acting and the occasional backing vocals. She had recently finished a long contract with Falling In Reverse in which she'd helped bring to life their vision of an apocalyptic album intro. She had returned home to the UK after completing the contract, only to receive another from her agent for Black Veil Brides. She was to act in a music video for their latest single 'Bleeders' which hadn't released yet. Her manager had sent her the top secret song file which she had been listening to on repeat in order to visualise what kind of music video it might be. She hadn't been given an action script or any information on the artist direction of the video so she would be going in blind. She also had never heard much of Black Veil Brides music before then so she tried her best to research their previous music videos and recent interviews for potential hints or directions.

What she had been told by her manager who got her the gig was that they had specifically been looking for someone English and someone with naturally red hair. Lacy ticked both of those boxes.

So, come Monday morning, Lacy stood outside a large warehouse studio, having arrived in LA only the previous day. There were trailers parked all over the car park. Some said makeup, others costume or storage. With a jolt, Lacy recognised the members of Black Veil Brides stepping out of one trailer. They moved towards a side entrance, all already in heavy makeup, all tall, all imposing and she was suddenly glad they were half a carpark away.

Lacy saw the front man, Andy Biersack and immediately recognised his costume and streak fo white hair as Sweeney Todd. Suddenly the content of Bleeders made sense and Lacy relaxed, Sweeney Todd she knew well, this was her territory now.

Lacy entered the building and was greeted by an admin assistant. The women introduced herself as Bethany and handed her an action script while leading her through the maze of rooms that was the building. The rooms opened out into one large recording space which was packed with people. Right in the centre was the main set, the attic barber shop belonging to Sweeney Todd. Cameras were being hoisted into place, mics set up and people having discussions about technical aspects such as lighting. Bethany wove through all this and lead Lacy to a man with his cap on back to front, despite the fact he was well into his fifties. "David!" She shouted over the noise. "This is Lacy Knight, our supporting actor." David gave Lacy a warm handshake.

"Great to have you on board. Sorry about the chaos, you know how it is." David beamed at her. "Right, we have an hour and a half before we need you. We're wanting to get some shots of the Black Veil Brides first and then we'll start the scenes with you and Andy." David said to her. "So Bethany will take you to makeup and then we can get everyone introduced." He clapped his hands together and turned away. Lacy was lead by Bethany back through the building and out of a side door. Bethany pointed across the car park at the makeup trailer.

"Its that one you want. Our makeup artist is Sophie, just tell her your name and she'll sort you out. Sorry I'm not going out there its bloody boiling." Bethany grimaced and disappeared back into the building.

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