Chapter Six

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No trigger warnings relevant

Lacy scanned every Black Veil Brides related online community every day of the next week, sure Andy had been recognised, sure that there would be talk of professional relationships. But nothing appeared. Lacy thought maybe the kids didn't know who he was, just thought he was some random man, which was a blessing.

This morning was the first day of Lacy's official contract with Black Veil Brides and the day they would begin work on the continuation of the album. Andy had told Lacy she wouldn't be needed for all the recording days, all the brainstorming days or on every song. Lacy understood her position, she was only there to help flavour the album with a bit of a gothic aesthetic. Their first meeting was to be at their own label's recording studios, which were so much smaller than the ones they had used to shoot the film.

Lacy arrived at the recording studios and was escorted into the meeting room which instead of chairs and a round table that she was used to, there were squashy sofas and poufs. A few members of the label were already there including a sound technician, producer and PA. Andy was also already there, signing contract papers with his manager. He smiled at her as she entered and was instructed to sit where she liked. The other members of the band arrived late and loudly as usual and there were reintroductions all around, some of the sound people had never met some of the band members and Lacy had never met any of them.

They began a long meeting about the concept of the next album which was more like a brainstorm, with CC constantly throwing in outrageous ideas and Jake, who had a guitar in his hand was already pulling up some riffs. Lacy watched all of it completely absorbed and was grateful she was not needed for input, while she had her own name for herself in her own career, she felt intimidated by the way they ran their business.

Eventually, the meeting concluded and everyone left the room bar the band members and Lacy. "Lacy we just wanted a quick word with you about the album," Andy said.

"Yeah Andy put a gun to our head and told us we had to assure you that we all want your input on the album," joked Lonny. Laughing at the look on Andy's face.

"He's joking," Jake said. "Obviously. We just wanted to tell you that we do share Andy's vision and that it's not mixed up in some feelings for you, because the two of you — I think it is a solid direction." He said gently. Lacy nodded at him.

"And while we're here, since you're gonna be on stage with us, you'll need a stage name," Jinxx added.

"What about Sir Lacy," since your last name is Knight," Lonny suggested.

"Makes me sound like a drag act." Lacy joked.

"Alright then, Lacy in Chains," CC suggested.

"Already taken, mate," Jake said.

"I have an idea," Lacy put in. "Black Widow Lacy?" She asked, the guys pondered it. "Since it works in threes like Black Veil Brides, it starts with 'Black' and widows and brides are related — if it's too..." Lacy trailed off at their silence.

"No that's the one!" Andy stood up. "Black Widow Lacy, Perfect!"

"Yeah, it's clever," Jake said.

"Not as good as the drag act," put in Jinxx. "But it will do."

That was the day concluded and the rest of the band members stayed around to test out some of the ideas they'd come up with. Lacy went to reception, making to go home when someone called; "Lacy!" behind her. She turned and Andy was jogging over to her. He gestured that they talk on the pavement and they both left the building.

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