Chapter Two

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Trigger warning: very mild rough consensual sex and some mild choking.

Lacy would be lying to herself if she said she didn't over think her outfit the next day. She knew she would be practicing the dance for 'My Friends' when she arrived at the studio, with Andy. And after his ease of dancing the previous day Lacy was more than ever determined to make a good impression and try hard. So after finally settling on what to wear, Lacy left her hotel a few minutes later than she needed too. And when she arrived at the studio she was even later and already sweating in the baking sun. It was a relief to enter the AC coolness of the building.

"Am I late?" Lacy gasped, she had run across the carpark. Bethany shook her head.

"You have just three minutes to get to Room 24." She informed Lacy who started straight away to weave through the corridors and passages of the building to Room 24. Eventually she reached the room and entered. It was less of a room and more like the ballet studios they have in high schools. It had a wooden floor and a mirrored wall along the far side. Andy was sitting with his back to the mirror, reading a book when she entered.

"When did you get here?" She asked, aware of his unhassled serenity.

"About ten minutes ago." He stowed away his book and stood. Lacy set her bag down next to his and tied her hair back from her neck. "Shall we start?" He asked and she nodded.

He held out his hand to her, which she took aware that her hand was probably warm and sweaty. She put her other hand on his shoulder and he put his around her waist, they were far apart from each other and Lacy refused to look him in the eye. Suddenly in the awkward situation of having made out with a complete stranger, engaged in small talk with him and now forced to dance side by side.

Lacy focused on her feet and getting the steps right but she had no idea if it was Andy's presence that distracted her, his hand holding her waist so gently through the thin fabric of her top or whether it was because she was hopeless and dancing. Lacy let Andy go and stepped back from him for a moment, just to gather her thoughts. She read through the steps one last time and Andy said nothing, he was waiting patiently, as cool as a cucumber. "You have to stop fighting me, Lacy." Andy said. "Can I?" He stepped over to her and gestured to her waist. She nodded, though unsure of what it was he was asking. He wrapped his strong, tattooed arms around her in a hug, laying her head against his chest. After a moment she wrapped her arms around his waist and let out the breath of frustration she had been holding. "My mum always said you can't dance if you're angry." he whispered to her. "Try again?" She nodded and pulled back.

"I am actually good at my job you know." She felt she had to defend herself after making such a dogs dinner of the dancing. "Only usually it doesn't involve dancing."

"I know you are." Andy chuckled and they resumed practicing. Andy's smile lasted longer than it should have done and Lacy too couldn't keep herself from smiling. She wasn't quite sure if he alluded to hearing her voice on Falling In Reverse or the acting they had already done together. They finished the dance run through perfectly almost perfectly after that and when they had stopped moving neither of them stepped away, their hands still locked in place. The pair had both become so used to being in each others personal space now that this seemed comfortable, almost nose to nose. "Lacy..." Andy began, he wet his lips with his tongue and Lacy looked down at his lips which had been such a pleasure to kiss the previous day. He looked as if he was about to continue when the door to the studio opened and the heavy silence was broken.

Their instructor walked through the door, a short blonde woman who looked more lythe than Lacy had ever felt in her life. "I'm Anna, I'll be your instructor." She introduced herself and they shook hands all round. Anna was understandably impressed with Andy's footwork when they showed her the progress they'd made. Though she was less impressed with Lacy's own and gave Lacy more instructions than she gave Andy. She set them the task of practticing the tips she had given them for at least another three hours before they were ready to go anywhere near a rehearsal. Anna bid them goodbye and just as they were walking back towards the main studio room, Bethany came round a corner. Bethany ushered Lacy to makeup and costume and told Andy that David needed him.

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