Chapter Eight

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Trigger warning: sex

"Lacy..." someone mumbled. "Lacy." Someone pawed at her arm. She woke up. Blinking in the bright light, in all her terror the previous night she had forgotten to close the curtains. She looked over, Andy was watching her, he hadn't raised his head from the pillow, he had a slight smile on his face.

"You look awful," she commented, it was true, his skin was deathly pale and he had bags under his eyes as if he'd never seen the light of day. He chuckled weakly. "Do you feel okay?" she raised a hand to his cheek and he closed his eyes at her touch, he nodded. "Do you remember what happened?" She asked, wondering if he could now remember what she'd said to him.

"I got drunk, blacked out." he swallowed looking furious suddenly at his own apparent stupidity. "I didn't want you to see that I'm so sorry I—"

"Andy, you didn't black out, you didn't even have any alcohol." She stopped him, rubbing her thumb over his lips. "You were spiked." She said, Andy's eyes filled with terror.

"What?" he asked.

"Someone spiked you at the bar, after your show." She told him. "The ambulance came, said ti was only a low-level toxin. I was so scared." She confessed and refused to cry in front of him, she bit down on her lip to stop it from shaking.

"But I thought..." he trailed off, raking a hand through his hair. "Thank god." he sighed. "Tell me what happened, properly," he said and she did, she told him about how he had acted drunk, refusing to stop touching her, how his pupils had dilated and she called an ambulance, how she had kept him awake in the shower. "Oh god," he murmured when he finished, "I'm so sorry I, oh god." he said, "I would never - not even when I was... I'm sorry." he didn't reach out to her, he didn't want to touch her again until she told him it was alright to but Lacy understood. His actions hadn't been his own. She wriggled into his arms, his embrace tight and home like around her.

"Don't apologise to me." She whispered.

They didn't leave the bed that day, Andy was still feeling strange as an after-effect of the spiking and Lacy was happy to have a day with him in bed cuddling and watching Tv. She texted the guys and told them Andy was well enough to see him. So they all came round in the afternoon, she let them all go in and see him together and instead washed up some dishes in the kitchen. When they all came out again they gave her a one-armed squeeze.

"You look exhausted," CC commented. "I've told Andy to let you get some rest as well and stop thinking its all about him." Lacy laughed her thanks at him.

When she and Andy were alone again, Andy crept out of the bedroom and pulled her into a hug while she was still washing up. "They told me how well you dealt with the situation." He said quietly to her, she hummed as if to say, 'its what anyone would do.' "I couldn't have asked for that so thank you." he said, kissing her cheek. "Now piss off and let me do this. You need some sleep." he said to her thrusting his own hands into the washing up. She yawned, did as was told and went to bed.

The next day when she woke up Andy was not there. She got up and checked her emails, she had received the movie script and her part so she intended to familiarise herself with that after breakfast. She ate breakfast on the balcony an watched Andy's car pull up. He got out with a lot of shopping bags all draped over his one arm (A/N: real fans will know). He waved at her when he saw her on the balcony and disappeared inside.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked her, joining her on the balcony. "You definitely needed a good nights sleep."

"Yeah well, thats only because someone had to go and get themselves spiked." she rolled her eyes at him playfully. He slapped her thigh in retaliation. "So how is the album going?" Lacy asked, getting up from her chair and settling herself into his lap.

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