Chapter Nine

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No trigger warnings relevant

Lacy booked into a hotel that night and called her manager again, saying she was breaking off the contract that she was going home and that she needed three months off before working again, hopefully in that time all would have blown over or been contained and both Andy and Lacy would be free to carry on with their careers. Lacy's hopes weren't high though. She then booked a flight back to the UK and called her mum to say she was coming home. Her mother didn't ask her what it was about and Lacy would tell her but just at that moment, she couldn't bring herself to.

That night Lacy slept badly, which was not helped by the fact that she kept tossing and turning to the point she would pick up her phone and read all the hate comments that flooded in and then immediately regret it as she tried to sleep again.

In the morning Lacy had a window of a few hours in which to collect her stuff from Andy's and get to the airport. She got a taxi to Andy's and let herself in using her key. Her letter was still on the counter where she had left it, leading her to believe Andy was still in the flat. She called his name a few times before she was certain he had indeed left. She crept into the bedroom and packed up all her stuff. On the bed was Andy's T-shirt that she had first worn when she'd stayed over that first night, she took that into her suitcase too. A decision she knew she would hate herself for later.

She stole out of the flat again, after taking one last teary-eyed look around her, she had been so happy there for such a brief time. She placed her keys on the counter next to the note and left to go to the airport.

Lacy boarded the plane and during takeoff she told herself a few home truths.

One. She was doing the best by Andy that she could, hopefully with the girl found and outed he would be able to continue his career.

Two. She was doing the best by her own career, if they had stayed together it would have bleed the controversy further until it engulfed everything.

Three. She needed, once on English soil, to get over Andy, to forget these few months of her life and to look to the future. It was this home truth that made her cry almost the whole journey back. She had never loved anyone quite like she had loved him, she knew that now only when it was too late to tell him.

Lacy departed the plane at Birmingham, where her mother was waiting for her, her arms open. Lacy collapsed into her mothers arms and didn't let go until they had returned home. "Do you feel up to telling me what all of this is about?" Her mother asked, handing her a cup of tea on the sofa. "I can't imagine you're so cut up about some comments online." She said reassuringly.

"Mum its all my fault, I broke a professional relationship." Lacy sobbed onto her mother's knee.

"So what they're saying about you is true?" Her mother sounded like she didn't believe it.

"Yes-well, no." she gasped for breath and her mother patted her hair and handed her a tissue. "I was in a relationship with Andy, we were living together. But I never dictated what he put on his albums, or spiked him or forced him to take me on tour, he wanted to do all that." She said.

"And what does this Andy say about these allegations?"

"He says they don't matter, but Mum I can't get between him and his fans, I have to let him have his career and his deniability."

"Oh love, you can't make or break his career, only he can do that. And it would take a lot more than extortion rumours." Her mother soothed. "You should have braved the storm." She said kindly. "You would have come through the other side."

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