Chapter Five

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No trigger warnings relevant.

Lacy was spending her free time until the end of the week between calls back home to her family, out with various new friends she had met or consuming a lot of tv in her hotel room. It was Friday before she heard anything from Andy.

[unknown number]

Hey Lacy, It's Andy. I've had my schedule moved around so I'm free tonight for that date I promised you. Only if its not too late notice for you.

Lacy: Hey Andy, No its not I'm free tonight too.

Andy: Great, if you let me know your address I can pick you up at 7pm?

Lacy texted him her hotel and room.

Lacy: What type of thing should I wear?

Andy: Casual (no heels).

The 'no heels' stipulation intrigued Lacy as to what Andy might have had in mind for their date. But she had hardly any time to dwell on that thought as it was already 5pm. Lacy jumped into the shower, after which she dried her red hair straight, put on some makeup and pulled on a short, black denim, button up dress and converse.

Lacy had ten minutes to spare so she took up her handbag and descended to the lobby to wait for Andy. Half of her hald expected him not to turn up, she thought perhaps that night in the club had all been a dream and in reality he still hadn't contacted her and wanted nothing to do with her. She was also ill at ease with the fact that they would be going on something as formal as a date, dates always made Lacy anxious, she wasn't good at small talk or at natural affection. But she spoke some stern words to herself: 'of course he will turn up, of course you weren't dreaming it and you promised him you would try. So try.'

Andy did show up, 2 minutes early in fact. Lacy was relieved to see him wearing jeans and a casual black button up, so at least they matched in levels of casualness. "Hey," She said, suddenly shy.

"Hi," Andy acknowledged kissing her cheek, standing back to take in her outfit. She noticed he too was wearing eyeliner and thought it made him look all the more attractive. "Shall we go?"

"You haven't told me where we are going yet." She told him as they walked out of the building and down the steps.

"Well since both of us aren't people people, I thought a restaurant would be a poor choice of date, having to sit there nicely and chat politely while never being comfortable." He shook his head. "And then I didn't want to presume that you would want to come to mine for dinner because everyone knows that kind of date is all about the sex after dinner." He took a breath. "So I finally settled on a bit of sight-seeing, a bit of street food and basically a long walk." He finished, Lacy had never heard him try to justify his own actions as much as he had just done.

"Sounds perfect," she smiled up at him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh and I forgot to thank you for your note by the way," He said. "Though I think we both know I'm not the perfect one in this relationship." Lacy blushed, she was not used to direct compliments. She chose to ignore that he had broken the rules and thanked her. But considering they were on a date and no longer just having sex, did the rules even exist anymore?

She and Andy took their time winding through LA's wide streets, basking in the final minutes of pure sunlight before it descended to dusk. Everywhere around them was alive, each building had something interesting about it and Lacy's fondness for the city grew, though that may have just been the company. Andy seemed to know his way around and within a few minutes he had lead them down some trendy alleys with filament lightbulbs swinging from between buildings and cartoon signs depicting places to eat. They passed tiny restaurants and food vans, each one smelling deliciously different than the last.

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