Chapter 11

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~ two weeks later~
~Tony's pov ~
I saw a light at the end of a tunnel. I don't know if I should go that way or stay here in this spot. Then again, I don't know where here is exactly.

"Tony, come to me. I miss you." I heard a voice say. I wanted to speak back but my voice wouldn't let me.

~ Mike's pov~

"Tony, come to me. I miss you." I said in hope of him hearing me. It's been two weeks and he hasn't woken up or moved an inch. Right now I'm worried. The doctors said that if he doesn't wake up soon, they're pulling the plug. I need Tony. I need my turtle in my life. I heard coughing from beside me. My mind thought it was Vic.

"M-mike." I heard the voice say. It was the voice of my little turtle. My head snapped over to his direction.

"Turtle, you're okay." I said. Vic walked out of the room.

"B-barely. W-water." He said. I grabbed the cup of water off the table and handed it to him. He took it and drank it. I am happy he is okay. He handed me the cup. I put the cup on the table.

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm not your babe, but I'm fine." He said. I nodded. The doctor walked in with a few nurses. Vic and I had to leave. I sighed. Vic looked at me.

"He really doesn't want to be with me anymore. Given I'm the reason he's here." I said. He sighed.

"You just got to give it time." He said. I nodded. I leaned against the wall.

"Can you call me when you find something out with him?" I asked. He nodded. I left the hospital and went to my new apartment. I sighed and sat in my room with my head in my hands. I'm such a fucking fuck up. I really hate myself right now. My phone started ringing. I slid it out of my pocket and saw Vic calling me. I picked up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Why the fuck did you leave?" I heard Tony ask. I bit my lip. 

"They took you to the icu to see what was going on and they wouldn't let me through. I wasn't able to stay. I told Vic to call me if something happened. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. But please come back." He said. "I want you here." He said.

"Okay. I'm on my way back." I said.

"Alright, I love you, Mike." He said. I could tell he was holding in his breath. Fuck.

"I love you too, Turtle." I said. I hung up and got up and grabbed my keys and wallet. I walked out of my apartment and got in my car and headed to the hospital.

I got to the hospital and walked inside. They let me go to Tony's room without identification. I walked in and Tony looked at me and held his arms out. I walked over and gave him a hug.

"I'm okay." He said.

"Good. I'm glad." I said kissing his cheek. I sat beside him and he gripped my hand. I looked at him.

"What? I can't hold your hand?" He asked.

"You can." I said. He smiled and held my hand. I intertwined our fingers. He smiled. We watched Star Wars. Vic and Jaime walked in.

"Tony, we're gonna head home." Vic said. Tony nodded. Vic and Jaime kissed his head and left. Tony looked at me.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said. He smiled.


It's been about three hours and Tony and I have been just watching movies and talking. I love being in Tony's presence. I love him to death. He's so cute and adorable. I laid my head on his stomach and he started brushing my hair with his fingers. I smiled. It relaxed me. He started singing Hold On Till May. I smiled and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

~ Tony's pov~

Mike had fell asleep already. He's so cute when he slept. My night is coming to an end as well. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~ two weeks later ~
~ Mike's pov ~

Tony was released a few days ago. We're living together again so I gave up the apartment I had. Tony was sitting on the couch.

"Babe, what do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't know." He said. "Surprise me?" He asked. I nodded and went to the kitchen and started making him something to eat. It's hard to cook for a vegan person. I finished making him whatever it was I made. I served him and took the plate to the living room. I gave it to him. "Thank you, baby." He said.

"You're welcome." I said and sat beside him. "It's hot so be careful." I said. He nodded. I yawned and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled and ate. My phone started ringing. I slid it out of my pocket and saw Vic calling. I answered it putting my phone to my ear. "Hey, Vic. What's up?" I asked.

"Not much. Just wanted to check in on Tony." He said.

"He's fine." I said.

"That's good. Has he been having any thoughts?" He asked.

"No, he's stuck around me just to be sure." I said.

"That's good. Make sure he's okay. And tell him Danielle and I said hey." He said.

"Yeah, will do." I said.

"Alright little bro. Hey we were actually wondering if this weekend you guys wanted to come with us to Disney?" He asked.

"Babe, wanna go to Disney with the guys and their girls?" I asked. Tony nodded. "Yeah, he wants to." I said.

"Alright, cool. We got the tickets already." He said.

"Okay, cool. Well hey tell Danielle we say hi. I'm gonna get off here." I said.

"Alright I will. Take it easy man." He said.

"You too." I said. I hung up and saw Tony was done eating. I grabbed his plate and walked to the kitchen and washed his plate and the rest of the dishes. I dried my hands off. I walked to the living room and sat down. He laid his head in my lap and laid down. He pulled the blanket over him. Soon enough I heard little snores coming from him. I smiled and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hey turtles. I'm finally updating. Been hella busy. But shoot me. School starts soon and I don't wanna go. But it's my last year. A lot has happened since the last time I updated. My brother moved in with us, been spending time with him, people have been coming over and it's pissing me off. Step moms brother came over today and just fell asleep. He's a lazy person and doesn't do shit. He eats so much throughout the day and it's not good. He's rude also. God I hope I get to spend time with my girlfriend Sunday. He's a brat and he'll probably try to pay attention to her more than anything. Anyways I love you my little turtles. It's been so long since I've updated. And when school starts I won't be updating as much. I'm gonna be paying attention to my work. I'm gonna give up Netflix until the weekend. I wanna pass. I'm probably gonna give up my electronics while I do my work that way it doesn't distract me. I'm 17 and I'm gonna be senior. This is scaring me. Soon I'm off to college. I really wish that I didn't have to go to college but shit happens. Honestly I can't wait till I graduate because no more hell and bullshit. I'm tired of high school drama. I officially graduate in February but don't get my diploma till May which sucks. Anyways I'm gonna shut up now.




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