Chapter 13

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~ Mike's pov~
~ a few months later~
I woke up and saw that Tony wasn't in the bed. I got up and trudged myself downstairs. Tony wasn't anywhere in the house. I saw a note on the fridge.

'Went shopping. Be back soon. Love you.- Tony'.

I crumbled it up and threw it out. I made myself something to eat. The doorbell rang soon after I finished eating. I walked to the front door and opened it and saw Vic standing there with Danielle.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, since you don't like to answer your phone we had to drop by." He said.

"Okay." I said.

"Did you know that Tony left town?" He asked.

"Wait, what? He left me a note on the fridge saying he was going shopping." I said. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed me a text that was sent to him by Tony saying he was leaving town and not coming back. I felt like I was about to break down. "P-please go." I said. Vic sighed and they left. I shut the door locking it and went back into the bedroom. I looked in the closet. Surely enough his clothes were gone. His clothes were gone from the dresser too. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number and putting my phone to my ear. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" He asked.

"W-why are you leaving town and never coming back?" I asked, my voice breaking. He sighed.

"I'm guessing Vic dropped by. Listen, Mike I just can't handle things right now. I need to be on my own for a while." He said.

"We can work whatever we need to, out." I said.

"I'm sorry, Michael. But this is goodbye." He said.

"This can't be goodbye." I said.

"Well it is. Goodbye, Michael." He said and hung up. I threw my phone across the room and saw it broke. I sat on the bed putting my head in my hands. I gripped my hair tight and just broke down crying.

After a while I was just sitting in the living room just drinking. Might as well go back to my old ways. The doorbell rang just as I opened another bottle of whiskey. I got up and walked to the door and opened it. Once I did I saw Jaime and Vic.

"Where are your girlfriends?" I asked.

"They are in the car. Go change we are going clubbing." Jaime said.

"We aren't taking no for an answer." Vic said. I sighed. They walked in and shut the door. I walked upstairs to the room and changed. I walked back down and grabbed my wallet. We walked out to the car and I got in the way back and saw Alysha.

"Hey, Mike." She said smiling. I miss her smile so much.

"Hey, Alysha." I said smiling back at her. She has always been a sweetheart. Vic started driving.

"I heard, Tony left. I'm sorry." She said. It pained me to hear his name. But I just nodded.

"It's fine." I said. We got to the club and Vic parked. I got out and helped Alysha out. We walked inside after showing our ID's. We walked straight to the bar. I ordered us some beers. I sat down and started drinking. I'm definitely gonna get hammered tonight.

Quite a few drinks later and I was dancing with Alysha. She was grinding on me. I pulled her close.

"Let's go back to my place." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and we left the club. She started shivering. I gave her my hoodie. She put it on and smiled. I flagged a cab down and opened the backseat door for her. She got in and I followed shortly after. I shut the door and gave the cab driver the address. He started driving. I wrapped my arm around Alysha and pulled her close. She started leaving little love bites on my neck. We pulled up to my house and I paid and we got out. We walked up to the door and I opened the door and we walked in. We walked into my room and we started making out.


She had left and I was cleaning up the house when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and saw it was Tony and I answered quickly putting my phone to my ear.

"Tony?" I asked.

"M-Mike. I'm scared." He said softly.

"Turtle, what's going on?" I asked sitting up straight.

"I-I don't know where I'm at. I think I'm in a basement. Please help me." He said. He sounded like he was crying.

"Baby, are you still in San Diego?" I asked.

"Y-yes." He said. I started putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.

"Okay, turn on your GPS and I'll locate you." I said.

"H-hurry. He's coming." He said and hung up. Fuck. I called Jaime and he picked up.

"Dude, what's going on? You never call this late." He said.

"Get the fuck ready. We need to get Tony. I'll explain in the car." I said and hung up. I grabbed my gun and made sure it was loaded. I put the safety on and walked out to my car and got in and put my gun on the passenger seat. I drove to Jaime's and honked. I tracked Tony's phone. I saw Jaime get in so I put my gun in my lap and sped off to the address I was given.

"Okay, what's going on?" Jaime asked.

"Tony called me and he was freaking out. I got him to put his GPS on and I tracked it. He says he's in a basement." I said driving well over the speed limit.


I pulled up to this really shitty house and parked. I got out making sure I had my gun in the back of my jeans and made sure my phone was in my pocket. Jaime had his gun too. We broke the door down and I saw a drunken idiot on the couch sleeping. I quietly made my way searching around for the basement. I found it and kicked the door in. Jaime was behind me. I ran down the steps.

"Tony?!" I yelled.

"M-Mike!" He yelled. I followed his voice and I found a light switch and turned it on. I looked over and saw he was all bloody. I ran over to him.

"Jaime, keep me covered." I said. He nodded. I untied Tony and heard a gun shot. I looked over and saw Jaime bleeding from his side. "Call 911, Tony." I said. He nodded and typed quickly. I shot the guy who shot Jaime and I ran over to Jaime and took my belt off and I wrapped it around him and tightened it.

"Police!" I heard them say from upstairs.

"Tony, go." I said. He ran upstairs. I heard a gun shot and next thing I knew, everything went black.

~ Tony's pov ~
As I got the police I heard a gun shot. I ran down the stairs that leads to the basement. I saw Mike had gotten shot and is on top of Jaime. I fell to my knees as the paramedics ran past me with two stretchers. My whole world is falling apart around me.

Cliffhanger for you guys. But hey I'm back!! I've missed you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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