14. When the bombs fell

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Despite the catastrophic losses, the Soviet Union failed to collapse as anticipated by the German leaders. After months of campaigning, the German forces were exhausted. The German planners had failed to equip the forces for winter warfare and furthermore, their war supplies were running out.

Soon, The Soviet resistance stiffened and it launched a major counterattack driving the German forces out of Moscow.

With that, the Soviet Union had joined the Second World War in 1941.


Rushing outside, I looked up at the evening sky with heavy dark clouds floating their way into the German skies threatening an unexpected downpour. I hurriedly grabbed the clothes hanging outside as I felt a drop of chilled water settle itself on the tip of my nose and rushed back inside the house.

I could smell the sweet scent of the monsoon mud. A cold blissful breeze made its way into the house making my hair dance in rhythm. Picking up its pace, the water droplets started beating down upon the Earth's crust.

Drip Drip Drop.

Putting the dried clothes down in a corner, I helped Mama neatly fold them. Ingrid sat on the couch reading a book, all of us listening to the sound of rain in silence.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the door. The sound of continuous and desperate knocks echoed throughout the house. Mama and I glanced at each other before looking back at the door. Glancing back at us suspiciously, Ingrid walked over to the door, opening it slightly.

She talked to the visitor with the door slightly ajar. Mama and I continued giving questioning looks as my sister invited the visitor in. Walking inside, the dripping wet visitor took off his coat rather reluctantly.

My eyes slightly widened and my mouth contained a gasp as I recognised the visitor as Gunter. Mama rushed to offer him a towel as Ingrid handed him a glass of water. I walked up to the panting mess of the boy, waiting for him to say something.

After catching his breath, Gunter said in between in his breaths with his face scrunched up in worry

"Arno's mother, Rosa. She is sick. I don't know what's happening. Her breathing is disoriented. Her skin is burning hot. She won't eat neither would she wake up. I don't know what to do. I am sorry."

I placed my hand lightly on Gunter's shoulder, "Hey. Calm down. It isn't your fault. Maybe we..."

Suddenly I was interrupted by a rustic voice. From the corner of my eye, I managed to glance at the stoic face of my mother. Her gaze was almost piercing my skin as she spoke, "Arno is staying at Gunter's place?"

Exchanging quick glances with my sister, I stuttered out, "Y-Yes."

She turned her attention back to Gunter and said, "I see."

Gunter looked between Mama, I and my sister before ranting out again, "You have to come and see her. I don't know what to do."

Mama spoke up this time rather than I, "Yes. I shall accompany you and Edith to your place."

My eyes widened by a fraction, "B-But Mama, you..."

"Ingrid, stay here until I and your sister return." She said to Ingrid, cutting me off.

Looking at the ground, Ingrid gave a soft nod.

Grabbing an umbrella, Mama and I accompanied Gunter to his place.


We rushed into Gunter's basement locking the door securely as we did so. There was water rushing down onthe streets. There wasn't a person in sight. The vision was poor. I felt the coolness of the wind beating on my face, the water making a splashing sound as we walked.

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