♡Chapter 2♥

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~~Ciel p.o.v~~

After (Y/n) and her butler left. We turn our attention to undertaker. "So undertaker you know (Y/n) for how long and how did you meet?" I asked him.

"oh I've known her for a few years already and I met her in a cemetery in front of her parents grave young earl" he answered with a smile,like its totally normal to meet someone at their parents grave.

Questions started flying around my head is she an orphan?(an/no, it's not like undertaker told him she visited HER parents's grave like what're you talking about???) Is her butler a demon? Whats undertaker even doing there?(an/it's his job) And why am I asking myself so many questions?

"young master it is getting late we best be going" sebastian interrupted my thoughts.

" right.. let's go we're done anyway it is nice doing business with you again undertaker" I responded "its always a pleasure young earl" undertaker said with his Cheshire smile.

$$Time skip tomorrow$$

~~Your p.o.v~~

I woke up seeing Andrew opening the curtains. " Good morning Andrew" you said sleepily.

" good moring young mistress" Andrew said smirking.

" Andrew you know I told you to call me (Y/n) if there's no guests" you glared at him.

"Haha, I know ....(Y/n)" Andrew said.

$$Time skip to some time$$

You were getting dressed in a (F/c) dress (picture) and wore your (S/f/c)[1] scarf, even though it's not even a cold day, and went to have breakfast with your servants.

$$Time skip after breakfast$$

You went to your office hoping to finish some paperwork, When Andrew came in with a white envelope and stated " a letter from the queen mistress " " thank you Andrew and by the way it's (Y/N) to you " you rolled your eyes as Andrew smirked playfully at your statement, to which you rolled your eyes at his childishness, you then read the letter,

Dear (Y/n) (L/n),

I have a mission for you that acquires you to work with my spider and guard dog they will meet you at your mansion tomorrow in the afternoon.

This mission is related to the series of murders that have been happening lately.

All the victims were at the age of 5-12, and please do not stir too much trouble.

Sinerely from her royal majesty queen Victoria.

You gave out a sigh of exhaustion and ordered Andrew to think of what snacks he should prepare for tomorrow for her meeting with the queen's guard dog and spider. He then quickly told the other servants to clean up for tomorrow and I am still in the office trying to finish the paperwork while wondering who the guests will be.

~~Ciel/Alois p.o.v~~

Claude/Sebastian came in my office giving me a letter :

Dear Ciel phantomhive/Alois trancy,

I have a mission for you that acquires you to work with my spider/guard dog and fang you will meet her at her mansion in which is located at (random London addresss) tomorrow in the afternoon.

This mission is related to the series of murders that have been happening lately.

All the victims were at the age of 5-12, and please do not stir too much trouble.

Sinerely from her royal majesty queen Victoria.

after I read the letter I told Claude/Sebastian to prepare the carriage in advance for tomorrow so we can get this over with quickly as he was leaving,  one question popped into my;

mind who is the queen's fang?


[1] second favorite color

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