♥Chapter 21♡

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~~No one's P.O.V~~

"-and this is cottage pie," Adelais said pointed at the food as she say their name "cobbler and lastly fish and chips!"[1]


Then as if the person was waiting, the dining rooms door slammed open by Ryan, he continued his actions by exclaiming "CAN I EAT NOW?!" That was soon followed by Zoe hitting his head with a frying pan.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He asked, rubbing his head "it is rude to do that Ryan," Zoe glared at him with a smile that could kill Hitler...who ever that is..[2]"i know you're hungry but please don't just slam open tHE DOOR OPEN!" she exclaimed at the end making Ryan flinch and squeaked out an 'I'm sorry'

"*ahem* don't mind us! Please enjoy your lunch." Zoe said, facing us with an apologetic smile. Ryan grumbled something under his breath as he made his way to one of the empty seats and and took a plateful of fish and chips, chicken sandwiches and egg pop tarts. Ciel continued to stare at Ryan for a few more seconds before telling Sebastian to get him some mashed potatoes, green beans and to pour him some-

Wait never mind, Adelais is already pouring him some water "is there anything else you need young Earl?" Adelais asked after she finished pouring the water "n-no that'll be all" Ciel answered as thanks.

Though, after a while he noticed that the staff, other than Ryan who was who was enjoying the cheese sandwiches, were looking at each other with a face screaming the words 'SHOULD WE???'. Confused, Ciel cleared his throat, after succeeding at getting their attention he continued by asking "is there a problem?".

"Oh! N-no young Earl!" Adelais answered looking a bit flustered, as she is the closest to him, he the others were looking  a bit flustered too he noted, "I-it's just that..." Adelais trailed off uncertain on how to continue.

"I-it's just that we usually eat with our mistress here, and we were wondering if we can eat here.." Zoe explained while Chinmae and Adelais made a face of agreement.

"Of course you can, I'm letting Ryan eat here aren't I?" Ciel stated, ignoring Ryan's 'you can't make me leave even if you dragged me out!!', and more focusing on Zoe, Adelais and Chinmae's surprised faces.

"Well Ryan's a different case actually.." Adelais said trying to hide her surprised state awhile ago. Ciel raised a brow and ask "and how so?".

"His Father, Sir Alfred Jones had business to attend so he left Ryan with mistress (L/N), as they are good friends," Zoe explained staring at Ryan with a deadpan face as he ate his 3rd slice of cheeseca- "wait are you already eating the dessert?!?" Zoe screamed before marching her way to Ryan already scolding him on the way.

"I-I see," Ciel stared at their antics before looking at Chinmae and Adelais "but as I said please sit down and dine."

Chinmae and Adelais both sighed with relief before sitting across Ryan and Zoe, she finished lecturing Ryan about manners, and next to each other.

While they were busy Ciel, without looking at Sebastian, ordered him to search the house AGAIN but this time search the staff's room more thoroughly. Sebastian bowed, but before he could go far Adelais asked "won't Sebastian be joining us?".

"Ah, he has something to take care of right now so I'm afraid he can't." Ciel answered lying smoothly, though he won't admit it out loud, he's actually thinking to let his staff eat with him once he gets back to his mansion, well as long as they don't make too much of a mess.

"Ohh okay" Adelais accepted his lie before taking a bite of the salad she placed on her plate[3]. Chinmae seemed to be enjoying something called gimbap, and Zoe is enjoying some Paprikás Csirke or easier to say in english Chicken Paprikash, and she keeps eyeing the Somlói Galuska. actually, Ciel started to realise that all the food are from different origins, but the same five places.

The first one is, obviously, England.





And Romania.



[1]See me trying to name 15-20 dishes in this chapter

[2]Get it??? Cause Hitler ain't even alive yet??? No? OK....

[3]me struggling with words ;v;



Hope you like it?

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