Have You Ever

121 9 1

Becky's POV

"Did you get it?"

My mom asked after opening the door for me. I raised the garment bag that I am holding to answer her question. She took it from my hand and walked away while saying something.

"Dinner's ready. Wash up."

She said. I dragged my tired being to my room and dumped my things on the bed before going to the bathroom to clean up. I feel like my body is three times heavier than it usually is. Finally, I was able to send my letter.

My mind wandered back to what Professor Andrews said earlier. Dr. Austin being on campus and is offering consult.

I should be thrilled to hear that because I have been trying to book an appointment with her for some time now but I am just too tired to even think about that today. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. There are dark rings around my eyes and my eyes are blood shot already.

I dried my face with towel, changed my clothes and walked down to the kitchen. My mom and dad are already sitting infront of the dining table and are happily talking about their work day.

I sat silently and both of them looked at me.

"How's school dear?"

My dad asked while I take some of the vegetables on my plate.


I said shortly before taking a bite of my food. I tried my best to stay awake during dinner.

I don't how I managed to do so but after that I went back to my room and just collapsed on my bed and slept.

I dozed off almost immediately.

I woke up feeling refreshed in the morning. I stretched my arms before going to the bathroom to take a bath. I don't have a class this morning but I am planning to visit Dr. Austin today.

My dad dropped me to the University and I was immediately greeted by Professor Andrews.

"Becky. You're just in time. You have a schedule with Dr. Austin. Follow me."

He said. I was so confused by what he said but I followed him still.

"Professor? I haven't actually..."

I said. He just patted my shoulder and smiled warmly at me.

"Well, Ms. Lin booked it for you."

He said. I gasped. Lin never told me anything about it but I made a mental note to thank her later.

Wait. I know Lin. I know she did not do it just because I'm her friend but because she needs me to do something for her. I grinned and shook my head.

Professor Andrews looked at me quizzically but did not ask. He just ushered me to a small room inside the University clinic. He knocked on the door before opening it.

My eyes immediately darted to the beautiful woman sitting behind a small table. She's wearing her iconic eyeglasses. Her hair running wild behind her as usual and her soft smile waming up the small room.

"Dr. Austin, your next patient."

Professor Andrews said. I smiled at him and he just nodded and signaled for me to enter the room. How he managed to find me is beyond my understanding.

He gently closed the door and I was left there standing in front of my idol looking lika a deer in headlights. Dr. Austin smiled widely at me and pointed at the seat infront of her.

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