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Third Person's POV

Freen walked pass Becky without saying a word. Becky was left there, standing, looking confused. Her gaze followed Freen who's already walking away. She was about to follow her when Nam appeared.

"Becky! Hey!"

She said before giving her a quick hug. Becky managed to smile a little despite the confusion and shock on her face.

"Have you seen Freen? She stormed out after the race."

Nam said a little concerned. Becky smiled sadly.

"Yes. I congratulated her but she just walked away. What's... Did something happen?"

Becky said while hugging herself. Nam shook her head while deep in thoughts. Then she looked at Becky curiously.

"You tell me, did something happen? You were MIA for days."

Nam said before pulling Becky's arm gently inside the dugout. Becky just let her. The room that's supposed to be full of celebration is filled with silence.

Nam and Becky sat on the chairs inside while facing each other. Becky looked at her hands while biting her lower lip.

She told Nam what happened while the other listened silently.

Nam sighed after Becky finished her story. She tapped her leg with her hand before standing up. Outside, the awarding is already taking place and Freen's name was called. Nam looked at the speaker and then sighed.

"Freen and I go way back. To tell you the truth, I have never seen her like this before. She was involved with a few women in the past but she never acted like this."

Nam said making Becky bite her lip again. Nam gave her a sad look.

"I don't know what to say."

Becky said almost whispering. Nam smiled at her and then offered her hand. Becky took it and stood up.

"You don't have to know, you just have to feel. I think I know where she is. Come on."

Nam said before letting go of her hand. They walked out of the door only to come face to face with Jeff who's holding a bottle of champagne. His smile faded when he saw the look on their faces.

"What kind of celebration is this? You two looked like you're on the losing team."

He teased a little. Nam just gave him a stern smile before speaking.

"We're going after Freen. She left."

She explained. Jeff looked more confused now. Her scratched his nape and before he can say another word, both Nam and Becky are already walking away. He followed them silently while cradling the bottle in his arm.

They silently walked to the parking lot where Nam's car is parked. Nam opened the door for Becky and when she saw Jeff opening the other door, she stopped him.

"Go to the garage. Wait for us there."

Nam said. Jeff looked like he wanted to argue but just let it go and nodded.

They drove in silence until they reached the entrance of a cemetery. Becky almost grabbed Nam's arm when she saw where they are headed. She looked at her with fear in her eyes and Nam just chuckled softly.

"Don't worry. It's not as scary as you think."

She said but it did not made Becky any less uncomfortable. Nam drove inside of the cemetery. Navigating it as if she's been there a hundred times. Then she stopped beside a tree where a single motorcycle can be seen parked a few meters away.

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