Heartquake 18

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“Merlin doesn’t lie, Arthur. He keeps secrets, but he doesn’t lie. If he says he’s protecting you, then he is. If he says he loves you, he does. If he says all these things, then he means it,” Morgana breathes out.

“I defy Uther because I always have a reason; he’s being unreasonable most of the time, and a tyrant, but I control it because of you. Because you’ll be a greater king than he’ll ever be and it’s because you can love.

If you throw that away for your father’s unreasonable laws, then Camelot is doomed. If you condemn Merlin just for being who he is, then you can never strive to be better. Love does not make you weaker, as much as Uther portrays it to be so, it makes you stronger. When you build this kingdom, Arthur Pendragon, it will be so with love. Because love is based on trust, loyalty-”

“And acceptance,” Arthur says.

“And acceptance,” Morgana nods. “All the things a good kingdom should be.”

He smiles at her and, really, no one’s a better foster sister than she is, a strong, willed, beautiful woman, the kind he always thought he’d fall in love with, but he’ll just settle as having her as her sister, like this, always like this.

Morgana brushes hair off his forehead and asks, “So what will you do now?”

“I don’t know yet,” he leans back down. “Staying here for a while sounds good.”

“So we’ll do that,” Morgana laughs.

The cavern is empty but Merlin shouts into the darkness, anyway.

“I’m leaving Camelot!” he yells. “Just so you know.”

Just as he’s turning away, he hears the flap of familiar giant wings and the Great Dragon faces him like an old friend.

“No, you’re not, young warlock,” he says.

“Of course I am,” Merlin nods. “I’ve packed and everything. I’m leaving tonight.”

“Where will you go?” the Dragon asks.

“To the forests of Balor. My mother tells me that there is family there. I’ll stay there a while,” Merlin shrugs.

“The young Pendragon needs you, Merlin-”

“To build Albion and return magic to the realm, I know, I know.”

“Then you are selfish!” the Dragon’s yell echoes off the walls.

“No, I’m a father!” Merlin yells back. “My daughter and I-”

“Will survive,” the Dragon says. “But Arthur will not, if you leave. And the destiny of this kingdom will be ruined. The destiny you were meant to share is a powerful thing, Merlin. One cannot just run from that.”

“It doesn’t hurt to try,” Merlin grits his teeth. Then he can’t take it anymore and just turns and leaves.

He walks the hallways, still angry, until a hand grabs his arm and pulls him into a corner. It’s Morgana, who, compared to the last time this happened, is happy, smiling, radiant, even.

“Morgana?” Merlin asks.

She hugs him, wraps her arms around his neck and whispers into his ear, “You have magic.” When she withdraws, he has his eyes wide open.

“Arthur told me,” she explains.

“Oh, great, he’s told you. It’s only a matter of time before he tells Uther,” Merlin grumbles.

“Merlin,” Morgana says. “He loves you. Just don’t give up on him yet. Don’t.”

“I’m leaving, Morgana,” Merlin says, feeling sorry all over for his impending departure.

“I know,” she nods. “And I know this is a big thing to ask, but, just consider it. Arthur won’t tell Uther, I know that for sure, but whether he gets his head out of his arse long enough to tell you he loves you, I don’t know. If he doesn’t, I’m just asking you, please, for you to stay, for me.”


“You have it, I have it. I’m sure you had your reasons for not telling me, and I respect that, but all this time, I just needed someone. I need you to stay, Merlin, for my sake, if not for Arthur’s, if not for Em’s. It sounds selfish, I know; but now that I know, if you leave…who knows what could happen to me without you?”

She laughs a little and he almost does, too. Merlin puts his hands on her face and says, “It would’ve been so much easier if I just fell in love with you.”

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