Chapter Forty Three (Nico's POV)

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(I would just like to say thank you to @stars_and_aces for helping me with this chapter)


The moment I realized that my crush was kissing me, I did the worst thing possible.

I panicked.

Next thing I know, I'm in the middle of a cornfield.

"Dammit!" I screamed, scaring some crows and making them fly away.

I fell to my knees, utterly exhausted. Normally I'm pretty okay when I travel far distances, but now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that the lights were on in the dorm room, which would explain how I felt.

I curled up on the damp ground, yawning, ready to fall asleep, when I heard a giggle.

I sat up really quickly, ready to give the girl an excuse as to why I was in the middle of their crop, but it wasn't a farmer. It was a beautiful lady with green eyes and black hair.

"Lady Aphrodite," I said, bowing only my head since I was sitting.

"Oh, aren't you just so polite! I wish my own children were like that," she said, smiling and giggling.

"If you don't mind telling, why are you here?" I asked sweetly. I, unlike Percy, try to be respective to the people who was blow me to smithereens.

"I'm here because you're about to have a crisis," she said, pulling out a mirror and fixing her lipstick.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Think about it, sweetie." She reached out and gave me a playful tap on the shoulder, putting away her makeup. That's when I remembered.

I just confessed my feelings for Percy. Oh gods, I told Percy and he kissed me.

What if he liked me back?

Wait; come on di Angelo, why would someone like Percy like someone like you?

That just doesn't add up.

What if he kissed you out of pity?

What if he's just playing you?

Gods you're such an idiot!

I felt tears start to come to my eyes.

"See what I mean?" Aphrodite said and it seemed like she was taunting me. "You're having a crisis."

"Go away!" I yelled, causing her to jump.

"Fine, if you're not going to talk to me, at least talk to one of my kids. I believe Piper would be helpful," she said before disappearing in a puff of perfume, causing me to cough at the strong floral smell.

I sat down and cried, overwhelmed with my thoughts until I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I saw I was covered in mud and blood. The blood was hopefully from when I scratched myself in my sleep. The scraps were healed, probably by Apollo.

I don't know how long I was sleeping, but it was now dark out, having been about noon before.

I stood up, wiped the tears that were once again forming away, dusted off some of the dirt, and called the shadows to me, sending me to camp.

I ended up in front of the Aphrodite cabin and I walked up to the door and knocked, even though it was either incredibly earlier or incredibly late.

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