When I Fall For My Kidnapper

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"Daddy," I whine into the phone, trying to sound like a frail, little child. "Hurryyy."

"Sweetie, please, give me a little time and let me call the tow truck for you. What road are you on?" Dad asks me, obviously trying his best to sound patient. The only time I call the guy is when I'm in trouble, like this, so I don't exactly blame the man to be slightly annoyed with me. But hey - accidents happen to the very best of us.

"Um..." I trail off, looking out my car window at the plain, lifeless, flat scenery around me. "I'm on a lonely road?"

"Honey. I need to know the road. Anything familiar?" Dad is trying to sound gentle, but is failing to pull it off. He was a very busy and important man, and I was often in the way at times in his busy, important schedule.

Times like now.

"Not really. I think I'm on the backroads off Palm Lane?" I guess, knowing I was returning from shopping there. I glance back at my six full, nearly over flowing, shopping bags in the backseat. The clothes in those bags were definitely worth me being stranded in the middle of absolute nowhere. I have never paid attention to street signs, so I could be in a different state for all I know.

I guess I should start.

"Okay, I'll send someone around there for you. You need to get your oil changed more often, Ally, so your car doesn't break down." Dad sounds slightly irritated.

"Sorry, Daddy. Thanks." I smile slightly to myself, at how childish I sounded, and knowing I could get away with anything. "Love you."

''Love you too, sweet heart." Dad hangs up.

Dad was the owner of several insurance agencies, and had more money than I could count, and maintaining his businesses and finances of such wealth left little time for me. So whenever I slipped up, like refusing to get my oil changed, I managed to hardly get a lecture about it. It was a good system - he always felt too guilty about never being there for me throughout my life, so he repayed me by letting me have complete freedom and no discipline.

Before Mom died two years ago, she was the parent. Dad was just my buddy, and didn't know the first thing about raising me. So now, it was basically me and the maids because Dad just doesn't know what to do with himself.

I sit idly in my car in the middle of nowhere for what felt like an hour. There was nothing to look at as I wait for the tow truck except for miles of cattle grazing on ridiculously flat lands. I have never been this bored.

I belt out the choruses of several songs, making myself laugh at my poor set of vocal cords. After about a half hour concert, my voice was dry and felt weak. I was most definitely not a singer, unfortunately.

I even resort to counting the cows in sight. This was torturous.

Finally, I see a pickup truck make its way down the road. I smile, relieved. The boredom was finally over.

I awkwardly stay in my car, just in case the truck was just driving by. Doubtful, I haven't seen another car this entire time I've been stranded here.

Sure enough, the truck pulls over behind me. I watch the driver carefully from my rear view mirror, liking what I saw.

A hot, very gorgeous mechanic-type boy climbs out of the truck, a serious look plastered onto his flawless face. He was built of muscle, but not in a bulky way, but a lean, tall way. His dark hair was spiked messily, his skin shiny with a light layer of sweat in the sun.

I bite my lip as he walks up to my car window, very fine with the fact he would be the lucky guy driving me home. He started tapping his knuckles against my window loudly. I roll my window down expectantly, his body hunched over so we were eye level. His eyes were a glistening blue, and pieces of his hair fell against his eyes.

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