Chapter 27

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author's note- i accidently published last chapter as "chapter 27". what you are about to read is chapter 27, and i accidently skipped 26. you didn't miss anything, but wattpad isn't letting me change it at the moment, and it's bothering me. So just know that apparently there is going to be two chapter 27's and no 26...
Okay, well, enjoy!

"I swear, if another car passes us, I am jumping out of the window."

"I am not driving that slow, Ally," Trevor rolls his eyes at my dramatic whining, while maintaining the whopping speed of forty miles per hour. On a highway.

"Seriously, Trevor, I think I could run faster than this," I tell him. "I can handle you driving more than snail speed, okay?"

"I don't want you getting motion sickness or anything," Trevor explains, as if that were the most obvious thing ever. His care for me is really sweet, but not needed. At all. Is motion sickness even a symptom of pregnancy?

"I'm not going to get motion sickness, okay? Let's just leave it at that."

"I'm not taking any chances. And besides, these roads are curvy. I don't want to take any chances at having an accident."

Oh my God. Shoot me now.

All day, Trevor has been very supportive of this whole pregnancy thing. Which is nice and all, but there is a point where it stops being supportive and starts being iritating. We are almost to Las Vegas, and the whole road trip, Trevor has been driving as if his truck was on the verge of breaking down.

It was sweet to an extent, and then aggravating the rest of the way.

"I don't think we are going to have an accident if you speed up a little," I assure him, with the constant roll of my eyes. He sighs, but our speed does not increase.

"We should get to Las Vegas in about twenty minutes," announces Trevor after a moment of silence.

"Probably more like an hour at this rate," I mutter under my breath.

"What was that, dear?" Trevor teases, slowing down even more just to get on my nerves as I let out an agonizing groan.

"Just pick up the pace, please! I will be fine!"

"Being pregnant has made you really cranky."

"I'm not being cranky! I'm acting annoyed, you grandma!" I correct, letting out a held in breath.

"I think you're just being cranky because you're hormonal," Trevor shrugs, and flinches when I smack him on the arm.

"Shut up and drive," I order, "and preferably at a speed that at least matches the speed limit instead of ten under."

"I'm just being cautious, darling," Trevor assures me innocently, focusing soley on the road before him.

"You're going to get us killed, dollface," I reply lowly.

"Don't be such a downer," he teases, turning at a snail speed at a curve in the road as the towers of downtown Las Vegas peak into view.

I grumble incoherently in my seat, completely annoyed. Driving in a car with Trevor for nearly four hours while he drove slower than an overweight turtle really took the energy from me.

But I can't stay too irritated for long, because I feel him reach out and grasp my hand, intertwining our fingers as he drives. I glance over at him, to see him looking down at me with the smallest of smiles playing on his lips.

I could tell he has been beyond stressed out all day. I knew that. Who wouldn't be? The guy has enough on his plate as it is. But yet, his smile seemed true. He actually looked happy. And that melted my heart completely.

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