Chapter Twenty

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Light bounces against my closed eyes, a numbing feeling washing over my muscles as if I wasn't totally awake, but stuck in a state of awareness but nothing else. I couldn't force my eyes open, not having the strength. Nothing mattered at the moment, until I slowly gained a grasp on reality as memories hit me quickly. I remember being alone. Answering the door.

Oh, yeah.

Oliver was there.

And now I'm here.

Where is here, exactly?

A few brutal minutes tick by before I'm released from being trapped only in my mind. The moment my eyes blink open, a sharp pain bites at my wrists, a throbbing hammer pounding against my head that hurt more than the confining chains in hell.

My vision eventually floods clear, the blurriness subsiding as I realize I'm in the backseat in a truck, with sticky, tight ductape wrapped over my mouth, cealing my moans of pain. My wrists are tied harshly together, the rough rope biting into my sensitive and raw skin. Shit.

"Oliver!" I attempt to scream, but the only noise that comes out is a muffled moan. He peeks over his shoulder at me, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Good morning, Ally," he smiles at me, as if he were pleased to greet me. His sinister smile was beyond creepy, even if it was extremely attractive, it still sent chills racing over my aching body. And not the good sort of chills that Trevor gave me, but warning, panicked chills.

Trevor. Oh my God! What will he think when he finds me gone? Surely he won't think I escaped, right? He'll know I'd been taken, and he'd find me. Right? He wouldn't think I'd ditch him? I pray he doesn't. I don't want him thinking I would do that to him. I would never.

Okay, probably not the thing to be worried about right now. But props to my unselfish thoughts - that might be a first.

"Are you comfortable? Too hot? Too cold?" Oliver asks, after he snickers to himself and focuses on the road. What a fucking jerk.

Hot tears press against my eyelids, but only from frustration. Or so I tell myself. I'm not crying because of the pain or my paralyzing fear. Of course not.

I'm Ally Hades. I don't cry...

Keep telling yourself that.

The truck bounces to a jerky stop, and Oliver kills the engine. A rising feeling of panic fills my throat, not knowing where we were stopped or what was going to happen to me. Where the hell were we? What did Oliver want from me?

My thoughts drift to the other day. Oliver had been speaking to that asshole named Luke about me in the hospital wing of the underground headquarters in the city. They had been plotting something.

And I never told Trevor.

How could I be so stupid?

My heartbeat quickens as Oliver steps out of the truck, slamming the door. I see his shadow walk away, leaving me alone in his truck, freaking out. What was he planning to do with me? Would he hurt me? Shit, what if he tried to rape me again? Trevor wouldn't be my knight in shining armour this time, because I was too much of an idiot to remember to tell him what I heard going on between Oliver and Luke.

The door beside me suddenly opens, and Oliver is sneering down at me.

"Hello, princess," he greets.

I glare at him, not being able to talk through the ductape or punch him with my fists knotted together. I wish I could wipe away the angry tears that had leaked from the corners of my eyes. I didn't want Oliver having the satisfactory of knowing that he caused me any pain besides physical. He wasn't worth it.

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