Chapter 7

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Bella's POV

The Cullen's and Jasper all stared at me. "You're a what?" Jasper asked, highly confused and shocked.

I sighed. "I'm a vampire." 

Alice spoke up now. "But you can't be. You're human." 

Sighing again, I closed my eyes, and willed myself to change my looks. I felt my skin grow colder, my heart stop beating, and I knew my eyes changed color. I opened my eyes again to see, in better vision, seven vampires staring at me in utter shock and disbelief. 

Carlisle spoke now. "How is that possible?" he asked me. "You just went from being a human to becoming a vampire." 

"I can change between human and vampire whenever I want," I explained. "I just stay human, because it's easier to keep up appearances." 

Carlisle stepped closer. "Fascinating. Bella, you have to explain to me how this is possible, when you first were able to do this." 

I smiled at his curiosity. "Of course," I turned back to Peter and Charlotte first. "But maybe some other time. It appears Peter and Charlotte have some things to discuss with Jasper." 

Carlisle's POV

I was astounded. Bella, who a minute ago was human, is now a vampire. Not to mention she can change between both forms at will. Jasper still seemed quite surprised, and apparently was not able to speak. He only continued to stare at his sister with a shocked expression, disbelief in his eyes. 

Bella began feeling a bit uncomfortable, it seemed, by her brother's stares, as she looked away and shifted her weight a few times. I placed my hand on Jasper's shoulder and he looked at me. "Son..." I said. 

Jasper shook his head and turned back to Bella. "Bella-" 

"I'm not explaining anything until you talk to Peter and Charlotte," Bella cut him off. 

Jasper sighed, but began speaking with the two nomad vampires before us. "How long have you known about this, Peter?" 

Peter only gave him a smile. Charlotte spoke for him. "We've known ever since we met her." 

Jasper frowned. "Wait. So you two didn't turn her?" 

"No," Peter said. "We didn't. She had been turned before we met her." 

Jasper's POV

I looked at my sister for confirmation on what Peter just told me. "Bells? Is that true? You were turned before you met them?" 

She nodded. "Yes. One morning I was walking towards town to clear my head, and the next thing I knew I was screaming in pain with a crescent-shaped scar on my neck." 

Edward joined in the conversation now. "How long did it take you before you found out what you were?" 

Bella shrugged. "I figured it out once the pain subsided, and I could no longer feel my heart beating," Bella looked up at Peter and Charlotte. "They found me only moments after I was turned. They explained to me what I was, which by the way was kind of stupid, considering I already knew," Peter and Charlotte laughed. Bella turned back to look at me. "Anyway, they took me in, seeing as I had nowhere to go. I've been with them since." 

Esme stepped forward until she was at my side. "What do you hunt, Bella? Your eyes are red, so you clearly don't hunt animals like us." 

Bella shrugged again. "No, I don't hunt animals, but I don't hunt humans, either. I could never bring myself to killing humans or animals, so I've always eaten normal food." 

I snickered at her use of the term. "You're so stupid, Bells." 

Bella only grinned and reached out to smack me. Her hand made contact with the side of my face. "Ow!" 

"Stop saying crap and that won't happen again," Bella continued to grin. 

"You're more violent than I remember," I told her, smiling.

Bella's smile faded. "You've been gone years, Jasper. I changed. I had to find some ways to protect myself, since you were never there to do it." 

I started to protest in defense of myself, but Bella cut me off. "I'm not blaming you," she said. "I'm just stating facts." 

I sighed and gazed at my sister. "It's so weird, seeing you as a vampire. Who turned you?" 

What she said next made me shiver in fear, and clench my fists in anger. Her words caused Peter and Charlotte to pull her in front of them, each placing a hand on her shoulder. They were very protective of her, I noticed. 

"Aro, of the Volturi." 

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