Chapter 13

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Edward's POV

"What did you do?" Carlisle asked Jasper in the darkest, angriest voice I had ever heard.

Jasper shrugged. "I was only talking to her in a spare room."

I nearly snarled at him. "Really? Is that why there's glass and wood all over the floor in the room upstairs? Is that why she ran over to me the minute I saw you glaring at her? Is that why she's crying so hard? Because you were talking?"

"What?" Esme said. "There's glass and wood on the floor upstairs?"

I nodded. "Go see for yourself."

Esme flashed upstairs and was back down in no less than two seconds. "Jasper, what in the world went on upstairs?"

Jasper threw his hands out to the side. "I was only talking to her."

Carlisle came over and sat by Bella, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Bella, is that what happened? He was only talking to you?"

Bella sat up, wiped her eyes, and shook her head.

"What happened upstairs?" Carlisle asked her.

"After you left, Jasper took me to a room and shut the door. He started asking me why I asked you those questions and why he thinks I'm jealous of Alice. I told him I was only curious and that I'm not jealous, but he called me a liar and leaned over me, so I wouldn't try to run off. He asked the questions again, and when I said the same thing, he said I was lying, and hit his hand against the dresser. It tipped over and shattered the glass and wood. I tried to run off, cause he was terrifying me, but he grabbed my arm and said I wasn't going anywhere until I answered the question. He said we could do it the easy way or the hard way, but either way I had to answer him. That's when Edward came into the room."

Carlisle, and everybody else, turned to look at Jasper. "Are you insane?" Rosalie snarled at him. "You forced her to answer your questions?"

Alice skipped over to Jasper and smiled at him, before turning to us. "Leave Jazz alone. He didn't do anything wrong."

I snarled at Alice and Bella slid away from me, towards Carlisle. He placed a hand on her shoulder again. "He did everything wrong! He could have killed her!"

"But I didn't," Jasper said.

Carlisle spoke up. "But imagine if you did, Jasper. She's your sister. How would you feel if you killed her?"

Jasper looked at him. "She doesn't like me anyways, so what does it matter?"

Jasper looked at me, and Bella looked back at him, tears in her eyes. Not three seconds later, she was sitting next to me as a vampire, not a human. That was the last thing we saw before she was suddenly gone.

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