Chapter 3

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Bella's POV

As Jasper hugged me, I suddenly felt safe, protected. Closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him, I smiled. It was just like before he left for the war. Everything had been OK. Nothing had been wrong, and it was always fun being around Jasper. I hoped it could be like that again. 

"Come on," Jasper said, pulling back.

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused. 

"Home," he said, taking my hand and pulling me along. "We need to talk, but we can't do it here." 

"Why not?" 

"Because if people overhear us, then they will think we're crazy and possibly call a doctor," Jasper said, his tone serious. Jasper and I walked back to the Cullen's house, or rather his house, as he called it, and when we got there he opened the door. 

His family was in the living room, and they looked up when we came inside the house. I stopped, pulling against Jasper's grip. He turned back to look at me, confusion in his eyes. "What's wrong, Bells?" 

I looked at each member of his family, but remained silent. I knew I could trust them, and I knew that they knew it, but I was still cautious. "Nothing. I'm fine." 

Jasper looked at me. "You're lying." 

Meeting his gaze, I smiled. "Of course you would know that I'm lying." I stated. "According to you, I'm easy to read." 

Jasper laughed. "Yeah, well, I've known you for a long time," His face then became serious. "Really, Bella, what's wrong?" 

My gaze fell to the floor, and I bit my lip to keep from crying, as tears were suddenly in my eyes. "You have a family." 

"Bella," I heard my brother sigh. "Look, I-" He cut off suddenly. "Wait, what do you mean? You have a family, too." 

"No, I don't," I spoke just above a whisper. "Not anymore." 

"What are you talking about?" Jasper asked me. "What happened to mom and dad?" 

I felt the tears begin to slide down my face now. "After you went missing, mom and dad were devastated. They couldn't even look at me anymore," I looked up at Jasper, tears falling freely down my face. "Mom and dad gave me up and said they didn't want me anymore because I looked too much like you. They said I reminded them of you too much... they kicked me out." 

Jasper's face became blank. I felt his grip tighten slightly on my hand. His eyes stared back at me, and I suddenly became worried. "Jasper?" I called out to him, nervous. "Jazz, are you okay?" 

He spoke then. "They did what?" 

"What?" I asked him, confused. I wasn't sure what he meant. 

"Mom and dad gave you up? They kicked you out because you reminded them of me too much?" his voice was low, flat, emotionless. 

"Yeah..." I said, still a little worried by Jasper's reaction. "Jazz, are you okay?" I repeated my question.

Jasper hissed, "I'll kill them," He focused on me again, then said, "Carlisle, please." 

Carlisle looked at me, then back at Jasper. "We can't, son. You know what will happen if we do. The Volturi will kill us all." 

Jasper shook his head. "I know, but Carlisle... She's my sister, I can't just leave her with Peter and Charlotte." 

"Jazz, Peter and Charlotte are good people," I defended them. 

"I know that, but they hunt humans, Bella," Jasper looked back at me. "What happens if one day they suddenly get too thirsty? What happens if they suddenly go after you?" 

I swallowed hard, suddenly afraid by his questions and the possibility of that happening. However, I said, "They won't. They hunt on a regular basis." 

Jasper gave me a look, confirming my fears. "Even if they do, you and I both know it could happen. I can't let you stay with them, I won't," He turned back to Carlisle. "Carlisle, please, I am begging you. I can't let her stay with them. And if you say no, then I swear on my life, that I will leave." 

Alice suddenly gasped and I noticed that her eyes glazed over. Jasper was suddenly at her side, hands on her shoulders. "Alice, what do you see?" 

Alice blinked and met Jasper's gaze. "You leaving us. Leaving me." 

Jasper lifted his hands to place them on either side of Alice's face. "I promise, darlin', I'm never goin' to leave you. I could never bring myself to do that." 

As I watched Jasper and Alice speak and Jasper soothe Alice, I suddenly felt jealousy rip through me. For years, it had been just me and him. Thought I knew he had a family now, a part of me still wanted things to be like they were before... nobody else but us. I kept my face blank, empty, so that no one could see what I was feeling. Jasper suddenly turned, staring at me, shock and confusion on his face, in his eyes. 

"Bella, you're kidding, right?" Jasper asked me. 

I gave him an innocent look. "What are you talking about?" 

"You're jealous?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

I frowned as well. "How can you tell?" 

Before Jasper could speak up, Emmett chimed in. "Jasper's an empath. It means he can feel people's emotions, and manipulate them if needed." 

"You can do that?" I questioned my brother, surprised at what Emmett just told me. 

Jasper nodded. "I can make you feel anger," 

I gasped then as I felt anger sweep through my body. 

"Pain, sadness, happiness, jealousy..." Jasper said. "I can make you feel whatever I want you to feel. It isn't hard," Jasper told me. "I can feel everything you're feeling, the moment you start to feel it," He was serious. "So, I ask you again. You're jealous?"

Keeping a blank expression, I answered him. "No, I'm not jealous. I promise you." 

Jasper looked at me for a moment longer, then smiled, though I knew he didn't entirely believe me. "Good. You have nothing to be jealous about in the first place." 

Edward's POV

I tilted my head to the right a little. There was something different about Bella, but I couldn't place my finger on it. What was it? 

Dude, stop staring at my sister. If she catches you doing that, it'll freak her out. Jasper's thoughts entered my mind. 

With a hiss low enough that only my family could hear, I glared at Jasper. "Stay out of my head." 

Bella suddenly looked over at me then, and I met her gaze. I watched as her lips parted slightly, and her eyes looked me over completely. I gave her a friendly smile to assure her I didn't have any intention of harming her in any way. 

A slight touch of pink appeared on Bella's cheeks, and a small smile played on her lips. Biting her bottom lip and still smiling, she turned away. Jasper looked at me, with anger in his eyes. Don't even think about it.

I only grinned at him. "Hey, Bella," I said, still staring at Jasper. 

"Yeah?" she responded.

"I want to get to know you," I said. "You wouldn't mind answering a few questions," I looked at her now. "Would you?" 

Bella's face immediately turned red and she smiled, biting her lip again. "No, I wouldn't mind." 

I looked at Jasper and smirked. "Alright, then. Let's take a walk." 

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