Chapter 8

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Emmett's POV

Edward spoke up. "You're kidding, right? Aro turned you?"

Bella gave him a dirty look. "Why would I joke about that?"

Jasper shook his head. "Do you remember anything from when you were turned?"

Bella shook her head. "Nope. Not a thing. All I know is that Aro turned me."

"Wait," I said. "If you don't remember anything, then how do you know it was Aro that turned you?"

Bella reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. She handed it to me, and I unfolded it to see a small note written neatly on the inside.

I look forward to seeing you again, dear Isabella. You will do well as a member of the Volturi. Until we meet again, Aro.

I looked up at Bella, shock on my face, I assumed. "He really expects you to join them?"

"Apparently," Bella said. "I'm not sure when he is going to show up again, but I'm guessing that when he does, he won't be alone."

Rosalie's POV

I shook my head. "It doesn't make any sense."

Bella and everyone else looked at me, just as confused as I was. "What do you mean?" Esme asked me.

"Why would Aro turn you, then just disappear?" I stated the question that was on everyone's mind. "It just doesn't make sense."

Bella frowned, and became lost in thought. Peter whipped his head around to look at her. "Absolutely not!"

Bella turned to face him. "Peter, come on. Think about it. You're just as curious as I am, and I know you want to figure it out as badly as I do."

Peter shook his head, anger in his eyes. "No, Bella, it's not happening."

Jasper spoke up. "What? What does she want?"

Without taking his eyes off Bella, he said, "She wants to go to Italy and confront Aro about his turning her and his sudden disappearance."

Jasper snarled in response. "No."

Bella turned to face him, anger in her eyes. "I can't sit around for the rest of eternity and not know what his reasons for turning me and sudden disappearance were, Jasper. I won't."

"Bella, you aren't going, and that's final!" Jasper snarled at her.

Bella closed her eyes, and I watched as her whole appearance changed back to human form. "Fine," she spoke quietly. "I'll go when I turn 18, and you can't stop me. No one can."

With sadness in her eyes, and one last heated, angry glare at Alice, Bella disappeared out the door and into the sunlight.

Charlotte's POV

"Bella, wait!" I called out to her.

Bella stopped, but didn't turn. "What?"

"Are you ok?" I asked her, because her voice cracked.

"No," was the only answer I received. She began walking again.

"Bella-" I tried again.

"Charlotte, I want to be alone," she told me.

"Bella, wait, though. Can't we-"

Bella spun around. "No, Charlotte. I don't want to talk!" she cried out, tears in her eyes. "I want to be left alone."

I nodded, hurt by her pushing me away. Normally, she would come to me when she was crying, and we would talk about what had happened, what had made her upset. "Ok," I said. "I'll leave you alone," I turned and headed back towards Peter.

The Cullen's looked at me when I entered. Peter immediately pulled me close. Jasper shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Charlotte. Bella's always been stubborn."

I nodded. "I know. But she's been different lately. She hasn't been herself. Before, she used to be so happy and upbeat. Now, she's just... not."

Peter kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm, soothing me. "Let me go try and talk to her."

"You heard what she said, Peter. She won't let you. I tried and she came so close to giving me one of her Looks," I told him. "It's no use. She won't listen."

Carlisle let out a breath, and I looked up at him. "What is it, Carlisle?" I asked him, confused by his expression of thought.

"I wonder..." he said. "I want to try and talk to her."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Go ahead, but I doubt she'll listen."

Carlisle left the house, not speaking a word. It was then that we heard the scream.

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