Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

Aro looked at me and grinned. "I told you we shall meet again."

I shook my head. "Yeah, but... I didn't think it would be so soon."

Aro only shook his head, the smile still plastered to his lips. "Ah, but that's the thing, dear Bella."

Edward suddenly snarled at Aro's use of 'dear' and 'Bella' together in one sentence. Aro looked at him, the smile suddenly gone. "Jane,"

The next thing I knew, Edward was on the ground, wincing and hissing in pain. "Stop!" I cried out. "What are you doing to him?" I shouted.

But they didn't stop. Edward remained on the ground in pain. I ran forward and tried to attack Aro. "Stop!"

Aro only grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "Jane," he said again.

Edward stood up and hissed and snarled again when he saw Aro holding my arm. "Let her go!"

Just then, the rest of the Cullen's were standing behind Edward. My eyes flickered over all their faces, but I stopped when I saw Jasper standing there. But he wasn't looking at me. He was speaking quietly with Alice, a smile on his face. I watched as he brushed some hair out of her eyes and kissed her lips.

My heart sunk. Even when I was in serious danger, he still didn't care.

Aro grabbed my other arm and spun me around to face him. "Dear Bella, I would love for you to join us."

I glared at him fiercely. "Never," I hissed at him.

Aro's smiled faded once more. "Fine then. Suit yourself," He looked to a tall, dark haired, red eyed boy standing near him. "Felix," he said, "take care of her," Aro threw me to the ground.

Edward tried to rush forward to stop them, but Caius rushed forward and held him back. I could only stare as Felix walked towards me, a wicked smile on his face. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "This will be so much fun..." He stood up and his eyes darkened by three shades, it seemed.

At that moment, it was suddenly very, very quiet. No birds chirped. The leaves had stopped rustling in the trees. And the sun hid behind some passing clouds. Just before Felix moved to kill me, a flash of white slammed into Felix, causing him to crash into a tree.

I couldn't move. I was bound by too much fear to do so. Apparently, so were the others, because none of them moved to help me up. With a shock, I realized that the flash of white had been Jasper. He was fiercely snarling at Felix. Aro moved towards me, but Jasper suddenly whirled on him.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Jasper snarled. Aro immediately took a step back. He looked terrified.

Jasper quickly spun and whipped his hand through the air. I felt the blood drain from my face as I watched Felix's head roll across the ground until it was resting in front of me, his eyes peering up at me. I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up.

My eyes flicked back to Jasper. He was now (singlehandedly) killing off every last member of the Volturi. When only Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, a brown-haired boy, and Demitri were left, he stopped and faced Aro. "Are you done coming around my sister and trying to convince her to join you?"

They all nodded.

"Good. Now leave. And if you ever come back here, if I ever get the feeling that you're within 100 miles of my sister, I will come back and kill off the rest of you," Jasper said.

Aro held his hands up. "There will be no need for that. We won't come around again. You have my word."

Jasper lifted his head a little and watched as they disappeared. When they were gone, he turned to me. He must have seen the fear and the sickness on my face, because he suddenly moved Felix's head away from me. He knelt down until he was eye level with me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Jasper said.

"Why did you stop them?" I asked him, as Edward helped me up and pulled me close.

"Because I was protecting you," he responded.

"I know, but why?" I asked. "It's not like you cared before. Why now?"

Jasper looked at me, guilt and pain in his eyes. "I didn't. But it wasn't until I saw Felix about to kill you that I suddenly realized how upset I would be if I lost you," He stepped closer to me. "Bella, I'm sorry for not being there for you all these years. I'm sorry for not caring for you. I'm sorry I hurt you and made you upset," Jasper looked at me. If he could cry, he would be doing it about now. "Bella, you're my sister, and I love you. Please forgive me."

I felt the sincerity of his words. You didn't need a lie detector to see that he was telling the truth. Tears came to my eyes as I realized just how much I had missed him. I wrapped my arms around Jasper. "I love you, too, Jazz. Always."

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