Chapter 6

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Faina' pov

" Thank you for helping us with everything Nacho. You really came through and I owe you one,"I turned to our friend, Ignacio.

We had booked the hotel room we would be using under  Ignacio's name just in case things got complicated. Ignacio pulled at a massive iron gate,adorned with the Novikov family crest.

Four guys, wearing all black stood around the entrance with their weapons.

" Can you let us in, we are here to see Vladamir Novikov. We have some pending matters we need to discuss with him so if you don't mind boys.," I shout to them. They didn't reply, they didn't even look at me.

" What pending matters do you have with Mr Novikov. Anyone who wishes to meet him goes through me," a husky deep voice said coming from the driveway. I met his gaze, his eyes flickered because of curiosity,  he stared as if he was trying to figure me out.

" Um it's about Anastasia Bukhari. I fear it cannot wait, we have traveled very far sir to come and meet your boss," Ulyana said, her voice  a bit shaky. She was really intimidated by this man, he does look like he eats little children.

" I do not think the boss will like this one bit. Anything to do with Miss Anastasia is a touchy subject, better thread carefully girls. I will let you in, I think you can be trusted. What harm could two sixteen year olds do, you look innocent , your sister, not so much. I trust that you won't do anything that will force me to extract you from there using violent methods. Let them in. Follow me ladies." The man ordered.

As Ulyana and I  followed the robot-like man inside.  I could see Ulyana was nervous. The man led us  to a large dining room, where a family breakfast was in full swing. Ulyana's eyes widened as she took in the scene before  us.

Vladimir Bukhari, sat at the head of the table, a stern expression on his face. His wife, Klara, sat to his right, a look of surprise on her face as she took in the two strangers standing in the doorway.

I observed all of their family members sitting at that table. There sat Ivan, Valentino,  Zakhar, Yuri and Lucas. But it was Nikolai, the eldest of the Bukhari children, who caught my eye. He looked like he had been through a war, his eyes haunted and his jaw clenched in anger.

It was as if I had seen Nikolai before. But that was impossible. We had never met before. Ulyana nudged me  and I realized that we were still standing in the doorway, frozen in shock.

The room fell silent, all eyes on the two strangers standing in the doorway. Vladimir Bukhari's face darkened.

"Who are you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Ulyana took a deep breath and stepped forward, her eyes locked on her father's. "We're your daughters, Sir." she said, her voice firm.

Klara gasping in shock and the Bukhari children staring at us in confusion. Do they really not see the resemblance we have to our mother?

"What are you talking about? I do not have any daughters. Who sent you here? If you do not start talking I will have to make you talk," Vladimir thundered, was it really that infuriating to hear that he had long lost daughters?

Ulyana and I exchanged a glance. We  had expected a reaction, but not this.

" See I told you Ulyana, the world's biggest asshole."

"Well is there any proof that you have that you are my father's children? You can't possibly expect us to take your word for it." Ivan asked, respectfully. Unlike that grouch he calls a father.

" No, we do not exactly have proof but we are not lying , you can do a DNA test if you'd like, though I didn't think there would be a need to do one because just by looking at us you know who we are," Ulyana said, still keeping a warm smile.

"Don't listen to them Papa, they are probably some freeloaders or con artists. Just because you have a few similar features to ours you've gotten the balls to come and con us?" Valentino stated without being able to hide how repulsed he was by our presence.

" Papa is it not possible that you impregnated one of the many lady friends. These girls are around Zakhar and Yuri's age and we are all aware that you couldn't keep it in your pants during that time. You know how popular you were amongst the ladies, I'm just saying." Luca commented. We did not have to know those details.

"Oh shut up will you. You sound ridiculous Luca, are you even hearing yourself." Yuri said, shushing Luca.

" I do not know what you two aim to gain by coming here and trying to fool me like this. Get out of my house before I have you both kicked out," Vladamir threatened.

"Mr Novikov no one is fooling anyone here. You did impregnate our mother. Anastasia Bukhari is her name, does it ring a bell, Vladamir?" I finally spoke up because I could see that this back and forth would take forever.

The room went silent again as all eyes turned to Vladamir and their faces turned pale. He stared at me for minutes before he spoke.

" Security! Take these girls out of here and don't let them back in here again. The nerve to lie about something like this. Someone get these brats out of here now." Vladamir shouted.  It was as if we had pushed all of his last buttons.

Two six foot tall men came from the hallways and tried to grab Ulyana and I. I put them on the floor within an instance before they could lay their hands on us.

" Tell these men to touch us again and you will see what I'm made of. There is no need to have us kicked out like dogs, you've made it clear that you do not want us. We never needed you anyways," I hiss as I point my gun at Vladimir.
I lied, we did need him once and he never came. I drop my gun and take my sister's hand and then pull her out of that madhouse. I knew this was a terrible idea, coming here was a mistake. I hate everyone in that family, Vladimir the most.

We got into Ignacio's car and he drove us away from that dreadful place.

" So how was the little reunion?" Ignacio asked. Nobody answered him, I really didn't want to talk about it. He read in between the lines and remained silent for the rest of the ride as he took us to the hotel we had booked. I couldn't miss the tear that fell from my sister's eye even though she quickly wiped it.

" He hates us, Faina, our own father hates us" she said while still looking out of the window.

" We hate him too. He was right, we are not his daughters because he will never be our father, he isn't worthy." I stated as I took her hand and held it tight.

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